What decks do you think can ERL be used in?

Okay, I just recently obtained both halves or ERL, and would REALLY like to use them in a deck. The problem is, I don't really have a deck that ERL can fit in. The only decks I have actually tournament ready are Jumpluff, Sablelock, and Gyarados. I know ERL can't really fit well in those. I have made a lot of decklists, including some where ERL can fit in. But I don't really like those decks and was hoping to find a deck that suits me that can use ERL. So can you guys give me suggestions of decks that can use ERL? Thank you!

LuxChomp gets a few cheap KOs from it. You try teching that into Donphan Prime, which also utilizes Manectric in a few of its variations.

I would only use ERL if you really had space for it. Getting both pieces in your hand and the timing of using Thunder Fall is essential. For instance, if you Thunder Fall an opposing LuxChomp and don't KO anything, your opponent could simply Healing Breath it all away. :\

ERL isn't for everyone, so if you can't use it, trade it off.
I know a lot of people around my area were running it in Machamp. But I've seen it being played now with Donphan Prime/Manetric.

I cant see it being all that played in much other decks, other then those and maybe Legend Box.
EspeonROX said:
LuxChomp gets a few cheap KOs from it. You try teching that into Donphan Prime, which also utilizes Manectric in a few of its variations.

I would only use ERL if you really had space for it. Getting both pieces in your hand and the timing of using Thunder Fall is essential. For instance, if you Thunder Fall an opposing LuxChomp and don't KO anything, your opponent could simply Healing Breath it all away. :\

ERL isn't for everyone, so if you can't use it, trade it off.

I was thinking of running Donphan, but I sort of stopped for some reason.... And yes, I completely agree that the timing of using Thunder Fall is highly essential against Luxchomp as well as every other deck.

Thanks for your input,

mr.619 said:
I know a lot of people around my area were running it in Machamp. But I've seen it being played now with Donphan Prime/Manetric.

I cant see it being all that played in much other decks, other then those and maybe Legend Box.

Hmmmm.... I never thought of it in Machamp. Do you know if it was working for them?

Yeah, I'd say so. Well, only one made it into worlds, and he did actually pretty good, although he didnt make top.
I have found ERL useful in decks that hit the active pokemon for alot. After you take a few prizes with your main attacker, you would then thunder fall with ERL to take the last few prizes. Two good decks with this strategy are Donphan and Machamp.

You could also use it in decks that move energy. This allows you to surprise your opponent with an expected Thunder Fall. The two best examples of this in my opinion, are Luxchomp and Magnezone.

If you want my opinion on which one you should try, go for magnezone.
Machamp and Donphan can abuse stark mountain to do a surprise attack with ERL, so the list of decks that you can use it in are:
Any SP with bronzong
Any fighting/fire deck that can use stark mountain
Well pretty much any deck that dosent have a lot of poke powers in it and hase lighting and fire or just rainbow energys.
ERL can work in Palkia lock, since you can get rid of your mesprits and uxies b4 u use thunder fall and the only things on your field that will get hit are Palkia and Bronzoong G, which can be a problem, but you can just healong breath the next turn to heal Bronzong and palkia or you can pokeurn them. The time of ERL has to be perfect in Palkia lock or you will really hurt your self.
irregardless of setting up consecutive techs in response for ERL, ERL seems like a deck tech for a person that not only has the luck but the skill to use that card specifically, knowing my luck, I'd fail on majority, but it is possible. luxchomp tech thunder fall? who know's. cya