What decks should be in the Hgss on meta game

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Aspiring Trainer
Since rotation is pretty much already hear what decks do you think should be in Hgss meta game.

Here are the decks i think should be in the Hgss on meta game so far.

Magnazone and emboar boar zone
Reshiram and emboar Reshi boar
Machamp prime and donphan prime don champ
Zekrom donk Zekrom shaymin and pachirisue....not a big fan of this one.
RE: What deck should be in the Hgss on meta game

Although not tested with, Blastiose with Floatzel deserves a spot. T-tar toolbox variants, if constructed well. Lostgar/mewgar is beast. Other then the ones you mentioned and these other three, I havent really seen much more.
But with the format being completly fresh there is really no telling what could be seen in the first competive tournament in the US which happens to be Nationals. As everyone keeps saying, so many possibilities with the level and fair playing field. I think all meta worthy cards have some degree of playability with each other and that the results of Nationals will be a shocker. Or at least it would be nice to see.
I think blastoice could very well be on that list if you add in shukle promo card in your deck also. At the begining of the match you can attack all your water energys to shuckle then later move them to blastoice.

But blastoice dosent do good aginst zekrom thoue.
How would you attach energy to Shuckle. Floatzel attaches to itself.
You just normel attach it to shuckle. Like when you ever use blastoice attack and take the two water energy's off the next turn you can attatch a energy to floatzel then attach a energy to shuckle. Then use blastoice poke power.
J-Witz video has it pretty down already

FeralPrime variants
Stage 1 decks
MewGar is good but really it hasn't seen as much testing for HGSS-On compared to other decks. I will admit that it's amazingly good though. It's much faster than LostGar was in MD-On I can assure you that.

Most decks based around Lost World lost the edge they once had no thanks to the rotation of Palkia G Lv. X and Warp Energy. MewGar however is a different story and is the only deck that Lost Zone Lucario has a very possible auto-loss against.
I agree mew gar is very good i seen it played. But cursed drop is stil good with gengar but not so much when mew does it because the pokemon gets knocked out dosent go to the lost zone.
thepliskin5005 said:
I agree mew gar is very good i seen it played. But cursed drop is stil good with gengar but not so much when mew does it because the pokemon gets knocked out dosent go to the lost zone.

that's why in mewgar you just take away pokemon in their hand with judge/spiritomb TM until you get a gengar prime set up on the bench. run a 2-1-3 gengar prime line (after mew's attack you'll end up with a 2-1-2 gengar line, which is typical)
Riskbreakers said:
J-Witz video has it pretty down already

FeralPrime variants
Stage 1 decks

ZPS buddeh. Kills Crobat, Gatr, Pluff, can donk Zone, can donk Reshiboar with a smart player, and donks Donchamp.
Also, I really like the idea of Mew Toolbox, with 1 or 2 Gengar Prime (cuz those two go together, ya know). Lead with Relicanth, LZ a few random attackers, like Gengar, or Mandibuzz and a spreader, something like that. You would have to spam Res-Q Energy though, because of low HP.

Shiny Shinx said:
Riskbreakers said:
J-Witz video has it pretty down already

FeralPrime variants
Stage 1 decks

ZPS buddeh. Kills Crobat, Gatr, Pluff, can donk Zone, can donk Reshiboar with a smart player, and donks Donchamp.
Also, I really like the idea of Mew Toolbox, with 1 or 2 Gengar Prime (cuz those two go together, ya know). Lead with Relicanth, LZ a few random attackers, like Gengar, or Mandibuzz and a spreader, something like that. You would have to spam Res-Q Energy though, because of low HP.


I would use revives instead of rescue energy. Rescue energy doesn't help Mew use any attacks and just wastes your energy attachment for the turn.
Definatly TyphloRam (Typhlosion + Reshiram), i've alrdy tried my own variant of it against other will-be-metagame decks and it's awesome.
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