I often have repeating dreams. This one is the wierdest. I am at a sort of playground that for some reason has train tracks running thorough it. My mom hides my Pokemon figures all over the play ground. But, before I could find any, we have to get onto the train. Then, I go straight into the next dream. I was once again at the play ground. I seemed to have learned from my prievious dream, this time I hide the figures and find all of them.(No train this time.) Then I have that dream again(still without waking up) and after that I have the 4th dream. I am once again at the playground and I hide the figures and find them. Then my parents called me that it was time to go because it was getting late. But, my parents looked like they were rich people from the 1800's! I gather up my figures and go. Then, all of the sudden, I have an older brother and a younger sister!(in real life,I only have a younger brother.) Then I walk toward the car with my "sister" and I find some candy on the ground. Then, I found a small toy penguin in a little bottle with a cork.(lolwut?) Then, I realize we are lost. Me and my "sister" wander around until I find my "parents" and my "mom" goes to hug me. The end.