XY What Do You Do With Breeding Leftovers?


Pwincess Kitty
I've been doing some serious breeding and was wondering what do you do with the "leftovers"? When I had a few, I just gave them away. But what if you have lots of full boxes? Since most of them have good IV'S and natures, I feel bad just releasing them, as someone could use them. I would wonder trade them, but with saving between each trade, it takes forever.

So, what do YOU do with your breeding leftovers? Any tips on what should I do with them?
I've been shiny breeding multiple times and with two of them (Gastly and Froakie) I had to breed over 1500 eggs each before getting the shiny I wanted. When I was breeding Gastly I started saving them in my box, planning to check their IV and Wonder Trade/Trade the good ones. My boxes were completely filled after some time (back then the PokéBank was not released) and I was forced to release them. I had so many that I didn't want to bother anymore to check their IV and I released them all. For Froakie I decided to check the IV regularly and I kept the good ones, while releasing the ones with imperfect IVs instantly.

Now that we have PokéBank you can easily store the leftover Pokémon and take your time to decide what you want to do with them, so that helps.
I end up boxing them in pokebank. Sometimes i wondertrade boxes. Normally if someone randomly trades me in game I'll end up giving them a decent IV eggmoved pokemon because I have so many extras. I save the perfects to trade with others
I wondertrade them, but I always try to keep a few 5 IV ones in case someone I meet wants them.
I Wonder Trade or GTS them.

Actually been getting really lucky with my extra Nincada's on GTS :)
I usually keep a few perfect leftovers for backup/trading/giveaway purposes and release the rest. Can't be bothered spending a whole day wonder trading all that stuff.
Interesting. I might as well release most of them and wonder trade the very good ones. I have so many of them even my pokebank is almost full :D

Fun fact: I once battled someone from Japan online. It said he bred over 17.000 eggs. My jaw dropped.
Probably a shiny hunter, lol. How long would 17.000 eggs even take to breed? I don't know if I'd want to know...
I usually Wonder Trade a few leftovers if they have some Egg Moves or something special with them (because they're obviously not perfect with the IVs). If they're nothing special, I usually just release them honestly.

dmaster out.
I usually release the non Shiny ones but if they have good stats i will trade them for something on PokeBeach or train it for competitive use.
Either Bank or Wonder Trade. WT is awfully slow, but it's always fun seeing what other people send. Plus, WT's a win-win...if I get something good, I've got a good Pokemon, and if I get something bad, then maybe it's ended up with someone who doesn't have nice Pokes and will give it a good home.
I usually disposed of them prior to Gen 6.

But now, since we have Wonder Trade as a much more convenient and fun feature, I now trade away my leftovers.

If I breed rare mons or those only found in previous generations (Tynamo, Elgyem, etc.), it could make someone's day out there if they get my leftover hatched mon.