Pokemon What do you hope for in 5th Gen?

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Aspiring Trainer
I am not sure if this is the right place, but I couldn't find anywhere else for it. So, if its in the wrong place...Mods, please move it to the correct place. So, anyways.

What do you hope for in 5th Gen?

Pr/Evo you wanna see
Animals not yet made into Pokemon

Anything you want.

Sadly, we probably wont get much of it (;_;), but we can dream. lol.

So, Have fun.

I'll start.

- Some of the standalones from first and second gen need something.
- Farfecth'd has so much potential (Make leak into sword for powerful Fighting/Flying Type)
- Kangaskan baby (the thing in its pouch)
- Quilfish, Dunsparce, Shuckle, Delibird, Smeargle, Miltank and all other standalones need something.
- 17 types is so annoying to me. It needs to be rounded to an even 20.
- Light Type is needed. It is the counterpart for Dark, which we got in second gen.
- New Eeveelutions. w00t! We have gotten them in every gen except 3rd.

I could prolly think of more, but I figure I'll just post for now. lol.
For me, I have lots of cool ideas to hope for.

-Evo to Rapidash.
-Branch Evo from Lairon.
-Evo to Heatran (some huge lava golem or somthing)
-More Regi's. 1 of each type. (EX: Regifern; Grass type and is make of plants. Regibolt; made of electricity. ECT)
-More eeveelutions.
-Evo to Absol
-Branch evo to Porygon 2
-Evo to Drapion. (yes I can picture it)
-New Fossils
-Evo to Gyarados

Im not going to continue...
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