What do you think about Rihanna getting beaten with an umbrella?


The spaghetti monster is my god! :D
Do you think she should stay with Chris Brown?

I know he's cute and all but still... (I wouldn't mind him punching me a few times and the face! xD)
No! She shouldn't. Chris shouldn't EVEN treat her like that! No guy should do that to his girlfriend. Plus why would you not mind?! Did you see the pic of her and hear how he treated her??
No girl should ever, or even a male, ever have to go through that. Thats absolutley disgusting, she had all bruises and scars on her face, she looked like a differant person!
No matter what, no man ever has the right to beat a woman in such a way.
In no bloody way should she.
I think it would be funny if he really did it with an umbrella.
Mostly because if you're famous, you're not really a person.
Taylor45 said:
I think it would be funny if he really did it with an umbrella.
Mostly because if you're famous, you're not really a person.

Well, at this point, the bolded statement is kind of accurate about Chris...

But still, and umbrella? That's just cruel. :(
If your famous your not a person? What?

Anyway Rihanna is very stupid fpr getting back together with him. Anyone else heard that they have plans to write a book together?
I think it's rather amusing that she is even answer his calls, let alone taking him back. In the long run, she's going to regret it.
I can't say to the fullest extent how I feel about Chris Brown. She's not too bright to take him back, but I guess sometimes feelings can get in the way of rational thinking.
This happens everyday to countless other women. My question is why this is such a big deal that 2 performers are involved instead of regular people.
That's what I have against the media as a whole. It happens to millions of other people, but it doesn't get attention until it happens to someone who is famous and "important". Famous people also tend to do bad things just for publicity and being on the front page of 20 magazines.

Either way, if I was in that situation, I would leave the other person in an instant and never see them again.
Lol "Ella Ella" *Die*

Yeah, classic drama at its finest. All a scheme to get in the headlines again after a dry spell. "Here, let me beat you up, OK?" "OK, just do it fast, you know?"

dmaster out.
Taylor45 said:
This happens everyday to countless other women. My question is why this is such a big deal that 2 performers are involved instead of regular people.
Could not have said this better myself. It seems the vast majority of people don't even think about things like this until it happens to famous people.

I find society in general is too focused on the lives of those more famous then ourselves, but that's probably another rant for another day.

Either way, I hope Chris Brown gets what's coming to him. No excuse to do what he did.
This is inhumane. Rihanna is an innocent person. She never did anything wrong (except, you know, become famous lol), and she gets punished for being with Chris Brown. What does she do? She returns to him. She's just begging for another punishment like this one, only it could be much worse the next time unless something is done about it.
It's quite ironic though, Umberalla ella ella eh eh. No I'm not taking the micky out of this, anyway apparently there having a wedding :O. After all of what happened tutut
You can't ever be sure that those magazines are telling the truth. They may try to put in some non-sense just so they can get money.

Either way, Rihanna better hope Chris actually learned his lesson (doubt it), or else something will happen to her again....
I agree that it is a bit weird that she got hit with an "umbrella"