What do you think the next rotation is?

Thunder Crown

Aspiring Trainer
So, the title is self-explanatory. I'm trying to get a jump on figuring what decks are good next rotation, and because I haven't been playing TCG that long I need help figuring out what the next rotation rotates out (or if there even IS a rotation). Please remember this is just speculation, and all of my ideas and yours are merely opinions. Please provide basis for you speculation and not say it will be "Base Set on". I'll start with my guess:

Rotation: Next Destinies-on
Reasons: Seeing as it introduced the -EX Pokemon, I think that it is the probable rotation.

That's it. Your explanation can be as simple as that (as long as it makes sense).

I'm open to your opinions as well!
I'm hoping for Dragons-on since it marked the beginning of Dragon Pokémon and most importantly because it finally gets rid of Catcher.
It's prob' going to be NXD. Also,i'm not too worried about the rotation,but what japan's 96 card reprints are going to be in the middle of july. (EX-Booster box)
DRX is the best IMO, gets rid of catcher, and creates a pretty healthy format. Really though, NXD-, DEX-, and DRX- all make sense in their own ways.
As long as the next set has that shiny Rare Candy, I'm alright with the DRX rotation, but it doesn't get rid of Darkrai and Mewtwo since they were printed as promos after the set was released.
Muddy68 said:
As long as the next set has that shiny Rare Candy, I'm alright with the DRX rotation, but it doesn't get rid of Darkrai and Mewtwo since they were printed as promos after the set was released.

I dont think darkrai will be as powerful, though, because you lose sableye, dark patch, and dark claw.
My friend who is a good player said some time ago that he thinks it's possible that no sets will be rotated. Sounds like total BS to me but he probably has some basis for saying that...?
Slowbro said:
DRX is the best IMO, gets rid of catcher, and creates a pretty healthy format. Really though, NXD-, DEX-, and DRX- all make sense in their own ways.


That's why I'm personally hoping the rotation is, mostly because Catcher has overstayed its welcome.
Other than that, a DRX rotation would:

~Make Darkrai lose all its toys
~Remove N from the format (barring a Plasma Blast reprint)
~Remove the NXD staples - Heavy Ball, Level Ball, Skyarrow Bridge, DCE, and Prism

...it'll definitely slow down the format, but will it be a good slowdown? I've been waiting for them to announce the rotation since the end of May, and I want them to hurry up and do it already.

Teal said:
My friend who is a good player said some time ago that he thinks it's possible that no sets will be rotated. Sounds like total BS to me but he probably has some basis for saying that...?
lol me playing eels for another full year
Teal said:
My friend who is a good player said some time ago that he thinks it's possible that no sets will be rotated. Sounds like total BS to me but he probably has some basis for saying that...?

I've heard that too, which would really suck.

Unfortunately, I see a DEX- on format in our future. Mainly because alot of supporters are reprinted in that set, and catcher. Really don't like it, but probably the truth
Of they did dex-on think about the amount of search cards we would lose. They would rotate our balls and if there is no balls what's pokemon anyway
AlexanderTheAwesome said:
Of they did dex-on think about the amount of search cards we would lose. They would rotate our balls and if there is no balls what's pokemon anyway

But one of our balls got reprinted!

There's really no reason I can think of for no rotation or mid-season rotation. I don't see any logical proof behind either of those.
I've always thought it would be ND-On and I guess I might as well stick with it. The announcement should be coming soon I believe...

dmaster out.
Does anyone know when it's been announced in years past? Around Worlds, or earlier in July?
Right when Megalo Cannon (Plasma Blast) came out in Japan they have been updating there BW sets:
Shiny Collection
Blastoise + Kyurem-EX Combo Deck
EX Battle Boost
Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit

My opinion is if Any of these "Sets"(cards)come out in the states,then expect cards like DCE,Mewtwo-EX,Tornadus-EX(DEX).Mew-ex and so on to be out by the end of this year.
Slowbro said:
Does anyone know when it's been announced in years past? Around Worlds, or earlier in July?

Last year it was announced in June. The year before that was the mid-season rotation announced in late May/early June effective at that year's Nationals. The year before that was when only four sets rotated to MD-On in early June.

Of course the year before that was no rotation and I can't remember when they announced that one but I can only assume it was close to the start date of the season...so based on the trends, they're getting it kind of late on this one. May indicate a no rotation...

dmaster out.
I'm starting to think there's going to be no rotation at this point. It would have been announced earlier, and the lack of basic energy is a pretty big deal.
they could just allow any decks basic energy as an amendment to the rotation. has something like that happened before. I can't see how allowing any basic energy could have any adverse effects apart from making the entry lvl slightly cheaper for new players. (since you don't need to buy new energy most veterans would just give away their surplus)