What do you think the Pokemon on the Organized Play Trophies will be this year?

Okay, so you know how we got Garchomp on the Trophies last year, Dragonite the year before, and so on, what do you think this year's Pokemon will be? I'm thinking it might be Flygon, but it's just a guess. What do you think?

Flygon or Salamence, probably. They seem to have a whole dragon theme with the tourney promos. Maybe even Charizard because they can do Charizard G at Regionals (a la Garchomp C at reg's this past April).
Considering we're going Johto, it may be Tyranitar. Any complete Johto line, such as Jumpluff and Ampharos, to fit the GS theme.

This is in the right forum, you're fine.
Probably something from UD. SV was the set that came after Worlds, so was LA the year before last Worlds. UD was the set after this worlds. Both of them were also holo rares, and stage twos, so according to my logic it has to be the Togekiss or Bellossom line. Betting on Togekiss. What could be the filler card like how Garchomp C was?
@Tyraniking It also could be Metagross, because that is a [powerful] stage two, but it's not Holo.... I still think that they are going to pick one of the more powerful Pokemon.... Togekiss and Bellossom wouldn't be very good to represent a powerful year.....

Thanks for your opinion (all of you),
My prediction would be Charizard. It would stay in the dragon theme(kind of) and everybody loves Charizard. This is how it would work:

Regionals-Charizard G
Might turn out to be an Isshu Pokemon once 2011 rolls around. Like Kibago's final evolution...
^ Yes, but what about the rest of 2010....? Although it would be cool if it were Kibago's final evo..... I love that evolution line. :)

I bet on Tyranitar. It is powerful, and related to a dragon. Some call it a dragon pokemon, just like they call Charzard a dragon.
It has to be a Pokemon line that has more than just a 1-1-1 line in the format. That way they have a promo for each of the four tournaments.
@James: the 08-09 season was Dragonite, and the regionals promo was Heatran. They are NOT alike. I rest my case. For the regionals, I don't know? Something that is a basic rare out of UL or UD.

Cities: Oddish
States: Gloom
Regionals: Vileplume
Nationals: Bellossom

EDIT: Wait! Don't forget that Triumphant will be out by Cities, it could be something from there.
^Don't give me a heart attack. I would be devastaded if they did that and I missed any of those tourneys. Same with T-Tar, but not as much. So far I think Decmaster has the best idea, however, even if it's not something like that, then they may just do a random UD throw in like how they did with Heatran.
I think your guess makes the most sense, and it goes perfectly with the spiritomb league promos. Theyre just begging you to play viletomb if they decide to do this.