Pokemon What do your friends and family think about Pokemon?


Aspiring Trainer
I think most of us here are mid to older teens and young adults. Not everybody we come across is going to be super open to the fact that we like to play with Pokémon cards. Others may accept it in the blink of an eye. So what do your friends and family say about your hobby?

My friends are actually really accepting to my hobbies. I like watching My Little Pony and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. None of my friends judge, half of them are brony's as well. My family, on the other hand, is almost against my hobbies sometimes. I was severely judged by my direct and distant family for watching My Little Pony. I didn't care, I still watch it. I don't get judged for stuff like Ninja Turtles though, since I'm a nerdy 16 year old male. Back when I went to league play, nobody really liked me having it as a hobby, and nobody wanted to drive me 30 minutes just to get there.

There's a comic book shop near my house that opened up a year or two ago. They have league play every week, and I'm wanting to get back into the card game again. My mom is saying no, but she doesn't give me any reasons why. I tell her that she needs to stop stereotyping and let me be myself. The shop is a two minute walk from my house, so there's really no way she can say no. Any advice?
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

My family really gives me crap for liking pokemon. I just started watching MLP and think it's awesome, but hardly tell anyone because... Well lets face it, no teenage guy is gonna admit that. My parents would flip if they knew I watched that. I talked my mom into letting me go to a local league that's a 20 minute drive from my house, but only because I'm in my senior year and she wants me to be "more free". But in the past, I was never allowed to. Maybe explain to your mom that this is really only a seasonal thing, once college and stuff hits, it'll be less likely you'll go, and want to enjoy it while you can now. Most my friends call me "immature" or "dumb" for playing Pokemon. I've learned to accept it. My closer friends accept me for who I am in that regard, some respect me for still holding on to it. I've turned old pokemon fans back to the game by showing what I collect and play and such. So in the end, I try not to take what people say against me to heart, but it's still hard to do
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

Your mom definitely sounds like my mom. She says things like "I don't think that's where you need to be spending your time." Seriously bothers me when she says that. I go to church 3 days a week, and have school 5 days a week. I read my Bible, and pray like I should. The rest of my life is wasted away on the computer, except for the occasional Saturday I might hang out with some friends. I need more social interaction, and I want to play against people face-to-face.
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

Oh my gosh yes. I get the, "You could be spending your life doing more productive things" speech all the time. We observe the sabbath, so from Friday night to Saturday night, we do no work. My parents also started a "no video game rule" on that period as well. It was frustrating. I go to ACC and school all week. Sunday is my only free day, and I still then don't get to pick what I want to do. It's frustrating, so believe me, I know *exactly* how you feel. I dont ever get to see friends anymore. :/
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

You're gonna be my new best friend on here. I have church on Sunday morning and Sunday night, but league play wouldn't get in the way of that because it's between that.
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

Ah. See I can relate. My only free day I end up doing homework for ACC. :p so no leagues for me. Only been 2x-3x, one was a PR. For sucky cards lol
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

Now for someone else besides you two to come and post :p

My mum was largely against Pokemon as I was growing up, while my dad was in favor of it. However, my mum saw that I loved the game and it wasn't really negatively affecting me, so she was okay with letting me play. I did not have very many friends growing up, and the subject of Pokemon never really came up. I think most of them were against it, though, for rather silly reasons.

I started joining and attending a league when I was 17 or so...and it was my mum who found it for me, funnily enough. Now she knows I have a blast doing it, both playing and judging, and she's completely fine with it now. All of my friends, inside and outside of league, are fine with it too - heck, a lot of my friends at church have incredible respect for me because of how well I judge and know the game! (One of those friends was the guy who originally made the tableflip comment that adorns my profile.)
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

My mom knows about it, and she doesn't really care.
However, my neighborhood friends...whenever they come over, I lock up my games behind bars. I delete the history of this website if we use my computer. Since they're the type who likes to play Halo and stuff, I'm not sure they would approve of Pokémon.
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

What would my friends and family say? Hmm...
Friends: "I don't give a f***."
Parents: "Blah blah blah find something that would help you out later in life blah blah."
Standard response for anything fun-related: Airsoft arsenal reparations (and replacements/additions), video games, actual things that fit that category.
I'm starting to think that I may be a slight disappointment in my parents eyes. Oh well.
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

None of my friends know. It's not that I hide it from them; it just never comes up in conversation. My friends are pretty laid back and I can think of only one who would really give my any shit for it, but he'd probably forget about it soon after. My mom's probably the only person who knows I still play Pokemon and she's pretty open and accepting, so she doesn't care.
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

Hoping this thread doesn't get too similar to the "Will you admit..." thread.

My parents are the type that never want their kids to grow up, and so whenever they see me doing anything related to Pokémon they think it's "cute" and that they are happy I am still "in tune with my childhood". My brothers and I have grown up with Pokémon since pre-school, so this isn't a new concept to my family. My twin (when he's down from college), although not that interested in the franchise anymore, will sometimes even sit down and watch the anime with me when I have it playing. I adore the shows, but when he is there, we sometimes like to poke fun at different things like the fact that Pikachu is always looking up Dawn's skirt, or that Axew is probably going to the bathroom in Iris' hair, or unrealistic events that happen. (Yes I know, we can be immature sometimes.) I have never been criticized over going to a league because I haven't been, and even if I did, it's not like my family would know because I'd be going alone. Hopefully I'll be able to make it out to one soon.

My friends don't really say anything, nobody knows due to the fact that nobody ever talks about it. People my age are pretty mature and don't really care about what you do in your spare time. Although I do know for a fact that my roommate has a copy of Yellow version in his drawer. I remember when I was in high school, people would never talk about it, but everyone knew that we all still had the games/cards etc. Even if it isn't discussed, it's likely that a lot of the people around you still crack out their Pokémon games once in a while because it's been a part of so many peoples childhoods.
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

My parents don't really care, and most of my friends are Pokemon fans as well.
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

My parents don't care if I play Pokemon, and in the case of other games like Mario Kart, my mom will come and play with me sometimes. Heck, my mom even played Pokemon Yellow all the way through(with me only barely helping her), and Links Awakening too.(for that one, she used a guide online)
RE: What do your Friends and Family Say?

Everyone I know is really accepting of my TCG habits :) So I'm very open about it.
RE: What do your friends and family say?

My friend doesn't care one way or another. Everyone else in my class is like, "lol you still play Pokemon?" but they don't care that much. They think I'm weird anyway. :p
RE: What do your friends and family say?

Well, I tell people straight up. I'm probably one of the biggest nerds you will ever meet.
And it surprises them. I was a one of the better wide recievers in football in my entire state,
I could have gone to any college I wanted to play. But I broke my ankle, and with all my down time
I had decided to get back into a game I loved and that was pokemon TCG, I never got back on my work outs
never started really running like I had use to, just did what I liked doing. And when I tell people that story,
they act like I am the biggest mistake to walk the Earth, since Cain killed his brother in the Bible.

I usually tell girls on the first date also, and they are sooo wow'd by it. It's a great conversation starter, and they always tell me
they think it's adorable. "Still not 100% sure if they truly mean it or not yet". But I have been told that multiple times.
RE: What do your friends and family say?

My family really doesn't care that much. My friends however, have no interest in pokemon what so ever. Mostly, I just don't bring it up when I'm with some of my friends. This is obviously not counting my friends from league.
My parents were pretty anti-video-games when I was growing up, but once they got over that, they never really cared what it was that I was playing. They didn't really care about the Pokémon cards as well, so long as I didn't spend too much money on them. Now, they just don't really care about it at all one way or the other, since I'm adult and live my own life.

My friends also don't really care, though some of them are collectors, and my partner calls me "cute" with my cards, though recently he's started playing the games with me. He never played anything after Gen 1, but he bought a copy of HeartGold last weekend and now he's addicted to it. My attempts to get him into the TCG have largely failed, though.
There are only 2 people that I consider true friends and they know I'm into Pokémon. They don't judge me or make fun of me because of it (at least not in my face, you never know) and that's why they're still my friends. The minute they show any sign of disapprove or something like that, I'll just cut my friendship with them. But they're okay with it, although they don't care much about Pokémon either. One is not really into such things and the other is a genwunner but is not really into Pokémon anymore. Sometimes we argue about it (cause he's always with the typical genwunner speech about new pokémon being weird and other genwunner garbage), but it's cool and we never really get mad at each other for it.
Still, other than those 2 who I consider real friends, I never really told anybody about it. The subject never came up but I also was already picked on because of other issues sometimes so I didn't want another excuse to be made fun of.

As for my family (and when I say family I mean my parents and sister which is what I only consider as real family), they also don't mind that I like Pokémon but they also seem to think it's a bit childish of me, my mom also says sometimes that I should care more about more important stuff and bla bla although they never really poke their nose or stop me from doing anything Pokémon related (Not that they could anyway, I'm 21, I do what the hell I want)...
My parents dont mind me doing pokemon. They think its a nice hobby, but kinda a waste of money. Im in High School, and a lot of people like pokemon, which surprises me, because in Middle School nobody liked it. I always see people with Pikachu Bags and Hats. When I have nothing to do in school, I often take out my notebook and start drawing pokemon. Im trying to draw all 649 of them in shiny and regular, and so far im failing D: , but overall I think pokemon is more popular in my school now than it has been since like first grade.