*Busts out the Hiptionary*
Competitve Rogue Deck:
A concept of a combination of cards that have yet to be stated as an official deck, or an archtype. Although a rogue deck does not exempt the use of cards such as Magmortar, Empoleon, Gallade etc., it is strickly discuraged. This style of play is often mistaken with non-competitve, which is a horrible misconception. Dedicated rogue players take cards that see little use, or are used incorrectly that have a positive corrilation with the current format. Ho-oH, Claydol, Pachirisu & Togekiss, an archtype now reffered to as Skittles, is the prime example of a rogue deck. However, it was spread across the internet and took off ten thousandfold. These decks are often known only to a small amount of people or an online website based on the popular TCG.
Non-Competitve Rogue Decks:
Absolute Lameness.
Archtype Decks:
Absolutle Lameness. Includes Plox, G&G, Empoleon, Meatloaf, Torrterible, Mario(lesser), Skittles, Hurricane, T2 Banette, T2 Kricitune(lesser), Infernape(lesser) etc.