What does rogue mean?

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*Busts out the Hiptionary*

Competitve Rogue Deck:
A concept of a combination of cards that have yet to be stated as an official deck, or an archtype. Although a rogue deck does not exempt the use of cards such as Magmortar, Empoleon, Gallade etc., it is strickly discuraged. This style of play is often mistaken with non-competitve, which is a horrible misconception. Dedicated rogue players take cards that see little use, or are used incorrectly that have a positive corrilation with the current format. Ho-oH, Claydol, Pachirisu & Togekiss, an archtype now reffered to as Skittles, is the prime example of a rogue deck. However, it was spread across the internet and took off ten thousandfold. These decks are often known only to a small amount of people or an online website based on the popular TCG.

Non-Competitve Rogue Decks:
Absolute Lameness.

Archtype Decks:
Absolutle Lameness. Includes Plox, G&G, Empoleon, Meatloaf, Torrterible, Mario(lesser), Skittles, Hurricane, T2 Banette, T2 Kricitune(lesser), Infernape(lesser) etc.
Since when has torterra been an archtype? And what is meatloaf? In all honesty, we really didn't have a single rogue deck this entire season.
i did but only from states to regionals
a rogue is a deck that really not many people play ex: Torrteritile
seen it play. works ok. but not many people play it. i have only seen it once or twice
Toterrible is now an archtype, which is rather sad. With Empoleon everywhere, torterra soared back to archtype. Meatloaf is Magmortar + Leafeon Lv.X (I don't make the name >.>)

Yeah, rogue was pretty shy this season. Next season should be pretty rogueified.
Torterra soared back to archtype? When was it ever an archtype? Also meatloaf is a horrible name. Magleaf sounds better. Beedrill was the most rogue we really had, and even that had nothing special to it at all.
Papi/Manny said:
Torterra soared back to archtype? When was it ever an archtype? Also meatloaf is a horrible name. Magleaf sounds better. Beedrill was the most rogue we really had, and even that had nothing special to it at all.

I thought when Fulop played it at Nats, it was named sasuage...

Torterra wasn't an archtype this season, but it wasn't rogue either. It was somewhere in between, but definitely not rogue. Next year it'll be an archtype because of Kingdra.

But, to help answer your question, Lion King, Rogue is something that YOU make YOURSELF. Kinda like your own combo.
Since the question has been answered -- multiple times -- this is being locked.

If you want to continue the side discussion, start a new thread.
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