what emerging deck will preform the best at cities

most of the "emerging decks' you guys are talking about IMO are not going to be playable untill SPs get rotated

I tend to disagree, other people have found way's around luxchomp.

I think There's alot of new deck's emerging that could overturn luxchomps rule. I'm putting all my attention on the tcg towards yanakki when the new b/w set's come out and find a way to pwn luxchomp. cya
Losgatr still has to answer to loseing energy to the lost zone... I think the deck is all hype, cuz it takes AT LEAST 2 turns to power up the magnezone, provided that the magnimite or evolution with doesn't get KOed, and (just an observation) both Mesprit LA (for the ENTIRE turn of power lock) which is comonly teched into Gyarados will shut the deck down.
Who was talking about Losgatr?
Los Gatos is where its at. Which hits 80% of the time at T2, whether they begin or not.
The only issue is getting that first attack just right.
No, not the same thing. Read 1 page back.
Lostgatr = Magnezone/Feraligatr
Los Gatos = Mew/Rhyperior
DGX just says "hey you killed my DGX with your blaziken fbx, but eat promocroak" and then the next turn you set up DGX all over again. and Logatos also risks discarding pieces of the blaziken line
^Agreed, even with recovery, it doesn't make a difference. You have to get that DGX KO'd multiple times.
How about Umbreon, too? MewPerior has huge problems against those techs.
You can Portrait for Cyrus's Conspiracy to get a Fire Energy, SP Radar and a Pokemon Collector to set up the Blaziken. You can also use Pokemon Rescue,Rescue Energy (if attached) and Palmer's Contribution to recover Blaziken FB Lv.X.
They can still KO the Blaziken afterward, and then get a DGX out. It's not like Blaziken is an auto-win against DGX, all DialgaChomp has to do is send up Garchomp and then OHKO snipe the Mew. Bring up something with high retreat, eg Bronzong? No biggie. Just PokéTurn it away, since the DialgaChomp probably won't have used any yet, as MewPerior is based off of OHKOs.
MewPerior's recovery is not that good since it discards any cards you might need. Tons of power, yes, but just no recovery.
Umbreon IS that hard to counter. Blaziken FB is okay, but there are ways to KO that like any other Pokémon.
Dialga has outs, especially if it can attack on its own to kill the Luring Blaze. A good Warp Energy and Unown [Q] on it keep it safe for a while.

Precisely. You can Luring Flame, but while you do 10 average off of burn, the opponent gets it back benched and does more to the BFBX.