What freaks you out?

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your momspiders
PMJMy health teacher. He has memorized every name of every part of the human body. He also has memorized the capitals of every country.
Let's see: Blood, open bodies, and momMods.

dmaster out.
Well, I tend to become nervous in places with large groups of people (it doesn't necessarily have to be cramped quarters, either), but I don't think that'd qualify.

Hm... I'd have to say just nudity (well, I've never seen any, but that's the point, I avoid it and fear it) and real-life gore.
Spiders and when my mother in law is angry, ya I am good with most anything else. Even nudity, and clowns.
Sitting in the lunch room at work with ALL 15 managers on break and there talking about what happens to there breasts during pregnacy.
I used to be freaked out by a couple of kinds of spider, but now... meh, nothing really. Maybe heights.
Blood, needles, spiders, and cats.

Oh, and crowds of people. Too many people.
I have no idea why, but pictures of tarantulas really freak me out. The strange part is that real ones don't bother me at all!

Oh, and crowds freak me out, too.
I've managed to overcome most of my fears (i.e. Needles, Hights, Blood) so now I don't really have much that freaks me out. I may not really fear it, but I don't really like to spend too much time with large groups of strangers. Once I get to know them I really don't care. I also guess snakes freak me out. Although I don't see to many snakes with any regularity.
Spiders, blood, needles. They all freak me out. I'm not afraid of spiders, though. The other two, I deeply afraid of.
Heights mainly, but I don't mind riding planes. I am slightly scared of snakes, spiders, and bees, but it's not traumitizing .
I'm part of the spider crowd. I love to look at them but I don't want them anywhere near me or touching me. eeeww.
I'm not really scared of anything untill I think about it. Like trading cards online. You may be thinking "whoo shayminx!) but do you have any clue what that card has been through? maybe a "non-hygenic" guy was playing it, had it in his hand, and itched his crack with it. Then, maybe his little sister spit on it, and then he wiped off the spit with his gym socks. Then when you get it, If you are young you might Scream and kiss it multiple times. Not knowing where its been, Don't get me started on cafeteria food.
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