Aerodactyl is probably one of the hardest cards to get out in history. XD If you really need lots, use Furret. 'cause Bebe's won't get you Old Amber, neither will Relicanth GE and neither can Fossil Excavator. Maybe to stop the over-use of Aerodactyls? Because 2 on a bench pretty much kills poke-powers. And judging by the success of Gardevoir SW's Psychic Lock, it seems a lot of decks rely on poke-powers! As for Weavile DP... With Darkrai Lv X and Weavile SW (and possibly Togekiss) it could start looking pretty mean (and nasty, lol)... But Tyranitar IFDS does it better. But for now... Yeah, go for it! It's not fast, though. Unfortunately, Golem's first attack is overshadowed by Empoleon MD's. BUT, it also has another decent attack... Which is very expensive. Leafeon Lv X might be a nice tech to this (to speed things up in the energy department). Gengar... Life Drain is extremely flippy. Heads, and your opponent's gonna be all, like, "Noooo!" and stuff. It's a bit like Gallade's Sonic Blade, in a way. This plus Ampharos could be nice. You reduce their HP down to 10, and then when they use a Supporter, they're doomed! Though Gengar could just use it's second attack after a successful Lfie Drain. But it's only 40 spread damage, even if you do get to spread it however you like. Way too flippy, still. Exploud is awesome. But unfortunately, because it's not consistent, you can't really make a deck around one of the four possible assets of Ambient Noise. On the plus side, your opponent has no idea, either. But man, it's a great attack. T2 Exploud could be really mean. Hey, I'm gonna try that! And yeah, it suffers from Gallade. But in Dp-On, G&G/PLOX will die down a ton. Lapras would be used so much more if it didn't require a water energy. Water decks (Like Empoleon) haven't really needed pokemon tools much. That said, any deck can put in Amulet Coin. Hmmm.
An underused tech is Bastiodon, methinks. Honestly, what Empoleon deck is going to like a complete inability to snipe. I mean, I don't think I need to spell it out, but that's awesome! Too bad Omastar can still do it's thing, though (since Bastardidon can only prevent DAMAGE... From ATTACKS. Double fail there, lol. But still awesome.
EDIT: Oh, and as for the Donphan/Jumpluff combo... I like it too. When LA gets released, I'm trying it with Gliscor (instead of the Phan, who started a club)!