Ruling What Happens if Both Players Win/Lose at the Same Time?


Aspiring Trainer
So, lets say my M Charizard got 30 HP left and no tool. I use Crimson Dive and kill a Shaymin EX. Charizard Faints because the attack does 50 damage to the user and both players take their last prizes.

Who wins?
Even if we both had prizes left who sends out a new pokemon first?

Same kind of thing if I use attack with Shaymin Ex to knock out the opponents active pokemon. If I have no benched pokemon but get my last prizes do I win or lose?

Another tie would be if my pokemon kills the opponents but in return in knocked out by bursting balloon/rocky helmet/ability.

Would like some ruling on all "Tie" related possibilities.
It depends on how many win conditions each player has fulfilled.

Win conditions:

1. Take all your prizes
2. Knock out all your opponent's Pokemon
3. Opponent can't draw a card at the start of his turn
4. Six Pokemon in your opponent's Lost Zone and Lost World declared

If neither player has any Pokemon in play but you both still have prizes left, it goes to sudden death.

If neither player has any Pokemon in play but one player takes his last prize with the knockout, then that player has fulfilled two win conditions to his opponent's one and so that player wins.

If neither player has any Pokemon in play and both players take their last prize off the knockout then you both have two win conditions and it goes to sudden death.
Your question about the end of the game when both players meet a win condition is answered in the rulebook on page 20. In short, you start a new, one-Prize sudden death game unless one player meets more than one win condition.

If both players' Active Pokemon are Knocked Out at the same time, the player whose turn it is next promotes from the bench first.

We also talk about Pokemon being "Knocked Out" instead of "killed" in the TCG. Players will understand you either way, but you'll look like you know what you're talking about if you use the right language :)