What is the best way to fill your hand?


Aspiring Trainer
What is the best way to get as much cards in your hand as possible?
I know Smeargle's attack can get me 3 energy in 1 turn, but is it the best way?
Uxie can fill your hand. Professor oak's visit,TGM and other stuff, thats all i can think of.
Uxie can fill my hand till 7 but I probably will allready have more than 7.
The supporters will only give me 2 cards max, and Ive used the supporter so -1 is only 1 card.
^if you really want to get cards, rival can work giving you a gain of two cards instead of 1 (the cards will be bad though..)
Felicity's Drawing is a good option, and gets rid of cards you don't need.
^If I use Felicity I will discard 2 cards and then draw 4, however Ive also used Felicity so its 4-3=1 card.
@Elekid957 Thank you I will gain 2 cards so thats okay.
It doesnt matter what cards they are as long as I get as many in my hand as I can.
Also are there Pokémon besides Smeargle that can help me get a couple of cards in my hand?
Bronzong MT and Bronzong SF are good bench sitters that give you a big hand. Both give you a +1 overall, but they are better than Claydol for the situation that you are describing. Uxie Lv.X also gives you +1.
Ex-Yugioh player, amiryte?

Its hard to exceed a hand of 6/7 cards this format. If you want a consistant hand supply, use Claydol. Smeargle only gets Energy, which won't do too much in terms of setting up. The Bronzong Tandem works as well too. Uxie LVX gives you 1 extra card a turn.
Claydol is more consistent while Uxie is a speed booster.

Unown R is a mere draw Power, PokeHandy 910 gives you a useful card, and PokeDrawer + also lets you draw a card or even gives you useful cards.

3-1 Uxie
4 Unown R
4 PokeDrawer +
4 PokeHandy 910

Just play your Unown Rs, play your Uxie for 7, and then you can draw even more by using Retire. This type of engine is especially useful for donk decks.
^He's just looking for a big hand (from what I understand). Uxie was already mentioned, but all of the other cards mentioned above have a net value of 0, that is you use the card to get a card, not the best for "filling your hand."
In that case...

Rival has the highest net gain compared all supporters (not counting the conditional Cynthia's and Rowans).
Uxie fills up the hand fastest, IMO, though.
I miss the days of Steven's Advice. :p

For small hands, Uxie/Claydol "fill" up your hand faster. For larger hands, you can't do much in terms of net cards besides Felicity.

However, I think Speed Stadium deserves an honorable mention here, only because its effect lasts until another stadium is played and can have an immense payout every once in a while. The only downside is that it gives your opponent the same ability, which I suppose can counteract your net gain.
I agree, speed stadium, with a certain amount of luck, can net a lot of cards. I find felicity's to be annoying sometimes because it shuts down claydol with how many cards you end up with in your hand. so if you want a lot in your hand, use that, Bronzong SF and Smeargle. you should have about 11 cards at any given time if you use that.
What others have said and if you only need mass number of cards regardless of quility? otherwise i find 2-2 claydol+ a random uxie is all you need....

If mass use the smeargle or maybe reilcanth? get 3 fossils?
