what is the future of flygon lvl x


Aspiring Trainer
despite being everywhere in masters at Nats (i faced 3 flygon decks in 8 matches) and being played by some of the best players in the game Flygon really failed to deliver in the end. so where does it go from here? does it settle into being one of those dangerous second tier decks like T-tar? i cannot envision it getting any more help better than what already exists in weavile and claydol so i doubt it will get any stronger. actually with the introduction of staraptor next set i see flygon having significant problems with common techs hitting weakness (a return of furret might be in order).
Personally, I LOVE Flygon variants. They are very fun and a lot faster than you would think too. However, I predict it going Tier 1.5ish or so in the near future, so to people not knowing how to use it properly.
I think it will destroy all the sp decks coming are way because sp decks win because of there lv.x's and if there not lv.x the one-turn or 2 turn KO will be easy.
Bright Flygon said:
I think it will destroy all the sp decks coming are way because sp decks win because of there lv.x's and if there not lv.x the one-turn or 2 turn KO will be easy.

Yeah, it's a good SP killer in general, probably the best that isn't Machamp. Absolutely DESTROYS ToxiTank too!
its just not as fast or consistant as sps.
this is just truth there is no flygon build that beats a decent made sp build in consistency.
My Flygon/Gardevoir deck has been working very well for me. At Nats, I would have defeated a PorygonZ deck with it had time not been called. I was planning to keep playing it. Memory Berry is actually good so you can have Flygon LV.X active using Sand Tomb to their Claydol so they can never retreat and have to keep discarding.