What is the worst thing you have ever done?

Ka$h Money

Aspiring Trainer
Since I am bored I want to know the worst thing you have ever done. So none of this I spilled the milk rubbish I mean proper bad stuff... :p

1.Nothing too rude or obscene
2.Do not encourage what happened
3. Don't do any of the following things
call the dutch 911 (the emergency number, not the disaster number). Didn't get caught because my 'stalker is chasing me' act was apparently very convincing.

Dont try this at home.[/encourage]
My friend was making me mad in class a year or two ago so I unplugged his mouse from his computer. The computer ended up breaking and he lost all of his work from that year (and he did some pretty nice stuff too).
When I was little, I called 911 and said that there was an emergency, then I hung Up. Someone pranked called us, and I thought it was important. My friend was playing halo in the background, and the police heard gunfire. Like 8 police cars, and squat came to my house, their guns pointed at my house (It was at night). I was really scared. I got in a lot of trouble when they left.
kashmaster said:
I will tell everyone my one soon enough

What is the point of this post?

Anyway.... I remeber that my brother and I were playing with cement in our garage. I wrote and scratched and dinged up my walls in my room. You'd be surprised. ;x
The worst thing was jump on a trampoline with a pogo stick and I smashed straight throught my neighbors wall but he was cool about it and it was awesome.
Probably establish hostile takeovers in 36 countrys.:p Or maybe the time I stuck a pencil under my friends chair and it went half way through his leg.
I work at a golf course with a lot of hills and one night me and a couple of my friends were the last ones there, so i drove up a hill in my jeep. It left tire tracks there for more than 6 months. I didn't get in trouble! but i did get caught :(
Well when I was younger me and my dad made a potato cannon and I liked seeing the spark that ignits teh gas. SO I was holding it up to my eye and clicking the button with my toe but tehn the fumes from teh pipe glue exploded and burned teh front of my face. And for a while they thought that I was blind in my left eye for a bit.
PokeKid Brandon said:
Well when I was younger me and my dad made a potato cannon and I liked seeing the spark that ignits the gas. SO I was holding it up to my eye and clicking the button with my toe but tehn the fumes from the pipe glue exploded and burned the front of my face. And for a while they thought that I was blind in my left eye for a bit.
wow, do you have a scar?
kashmaster said:
Well I just wanted to add some suspence :p

adding some suspense in the sense of "I can't think of anything atm"or "I am so embarrassed about the things I do can think of that you can wait an eternity before I'll post my bad doings."?
afstandopleren, you are seriously disturbed. Please leave me alone ok. If you have it in for me fine, then do it via pm instead of attempting to shame or embarrass me....

Anyway, this is not the worst thing I have done but for today it is :p.

Since it was like 32 C, me and my mates decide to have a water fight. Near the end we see someone else and decide to unleash 330cm^3 worth of pressurised water. During our assault we hit 2 massive men and there electronics. They swear at us and then snitch to the park ranger to call the police. They then get out baseball bats and chase us for like 2 miles. Then the police came by but never caught us as we hid in a friends house.

All I know is im never going to that park again. :p
Tried a cigarette. I was curious. I'm not anymore. I'm not proud.

dmaster out.