what lvxs do you want to be in md?

The lvxs people want:

Leafeon lv.x
Glaceon lv.x
Garchomp lv.x
Magnezone lv.x
Azelf lv.x
Uxie lv.x
Mesprit lv.x

The lv.x's that are actually IN the set:

Glaceon lv.x
Leafeon lv.x
Porygon-Z lv.x
Garchomp lv.x

MAGNEZONE LV X!!!!! I really want him to be in so I don't have to buy one in Jap for $20 on ebay rofl
It would be grear if we have Magnezone Lv.X or Rhyperior Lv.X or the Lake Boundary Trio, just one from these 3 for some new Strategies for Decks but the Eveelutions and Garchomp are still nice ;)
gallade01 said:
im sorry no

i didnt want to know to play it, just seen it wasnt on the list.... tis great that garchomp Lv. X is in it cause ive been waiting to play my untitled deck, should be a great set to add to the new format.
I think the cards in MD is good... too bad its made already... i would want to hat the charizard LV.X on it though...