what placed 2nd in Lilburn cities?

angry aggron

banette is a beast
dont know if this is in the right place?
im going to answer that question it was dialgiaG and garchompC with a very interesting tech that is not going to be told....sorry my secret:p....
ok the deck did very good the first round i got a t-2 against a n00b felt bad oh well that is blaziken for you i guess but i did not even get out dialiga or garchy...
My second round was verses a very interesting magnazone and gater deck. she started with a lame spirtomb while I lead with garchomp. i had a good hand (full of trainers) i had a donk and every thing but the spirtomb messed me up for the longest time but her having that up allowed me to get my (awesome) tech out and she did not have any thing else to play so she folded i felt really bad about the SUPER cheap win but a win is a win....
my next match was vs stupid g-dos my hardest match and one of the best players i know playing it. so i lead with something i don't remember, but I did not get a defen lock on it and it cost me the game he got a t-1 g-dos and 3 karps in discard and i could do nothing so he swept me and i was down a little but was confident in my deck so i shoved on....
this match was vs a garchomp of some kind i think he was going for a sabalock but it did not happen so the game was a really long game he prized a uxie lvx and kept attaching dce's to uxie and i power sprayed his only time walk from azelf so it messed him up real bad but i kept k.o.ing uxies with dce's for easy prizes and my dialiga mainly swept him for the rest of the game. but i finished his garchomp with my garchomp to show who had the dominate one hehe:cool:..
got into top:D:D:D i was soo happy:D:D:D
well i was in top and ready to rock. I was playing g-dos and knew if I beat it I win so i got my dialgia out and defend him for 30 mins....:cool::cool:because i am epic like that.
top cut: Me 1 WIN 0 LOSS Him 0 WIN 1 LOSS
next match was a blow out I got crap and could do nothing and lost BAD.
top cut: Me 1 WIN 1 LOSS Him 1 WIN 1 LOSS
the last match starts with me and him only having like 10 mins to finish and we ALL know that is like NO time at all to play a game but the game was called on time and if i would not have miss played on getting the crobat instead of garchomp i would have been able to K.O. the karp on the bench and prob would have won but oh well i placed second and I am happy with that :).
the list is basic
3-1 dialiga
2-2 garchomp
1-1 blazeiken
2-1 uxie
1-1 secret tech
2 corbat
1 bronzong g
supporters were very simple same old same old no stadiums though
energy were simple
4 sp meatal
3 dce
2 metal
1 dark
1 fire
2 warp
not to much to it but the tech is not honchkrow dont ask for the tech...
Yeah, this belongs in the Cities Sub-Forum.


dmaster out.
nice job. as far as your secret tech goes, i would guess luxray, or medicham.
^No, and no.
I'm almost sure it's Umbreon. That's the only thing able to get a "SUPER cheap win" over Magnegatr as a tech.
You are in Seniors, right? My dad was the one who judged your game! :p From what he told me, you did a nice job playing that match. Yeah, Austin had a nice G-dos list that day, but you really held your own!

[size=-10]BTW, yes, the tech is Umbreon. I know the girl who played the Magnegatr deck, and she told be about the whole game. Although, it is pretty obvious. 1-1 line with a dark energy? Yeah...[/size]

Good luck next week!
oh thanks and yes im in seniors but it had too much speed and ok what ever umberon is the tech oh well i guess i told but all in all it was a good day for me.... but i did go to Tennessee sunday and won:D:D:D:D:D vs a g-dos
not the same deck