Ruling What R the New/Old Type of decks been played everywhere?


My True Strength is with Water Pokemon
:rolleyes: So what r the new/old types of decks that r being play now. Like what r new/old T2 decks that r being played and what about old/new Arche and Rouge decks people play now too? Can someone tell me what r the the old/new decks been played? Thanks for ur help. :p
I dont fully understand what you mean. But now the more played decks are:
Rock Band
Grass decks (Leafeon, sceptile)
Empoleon variants
What dont you understand you got it. But is that all and can u explain the decks to me. Like G&G/Plox whats the difference between them and whats a Rock Band deck. Can u please explain the decks to me and give an exmpal to me of then. Thank you so much if u can.
Yeah i know :p
G&G-gardevoir and gallade. Gardy to accelerate with his power, and Gallade as the main attacker. It usually uses gardy Lvx
Plox-gardevoir and gallade. the same as above, but gardy used as main attacker, due to his attack can stop your opponent from usin pokepowers next turn. it usually techs claydol, or dusknoir.
Magmortar-magmortar swarming. you can heal when attaching energy, do 20 dmg with 1 energy at all times, and great attacks. it can use a starter or togekiss wich permits you to charge the magmortars quickly.
Rock band- beedrill swarm. a beedrill can deal 30 damage for each beedrill in play, counting itself. you can do 120 damage for just 1 energy. it is usually played alone, or with claydol for consistancy. it needs night mantainance and 4 rare candies.

ill post more when i have time
cool thanks for those decks i knew about Beedrill decks but never knew that they had a name for there deck. But ya i wanto know the other decks if u can thanks for ur help cacgbass. :D
hahaha my freinds and all my other freinds thought of rock who knew it was so populer
Kabutops was extremely popular today at Nats, there were even 3 BanBliss and 3 t2Doom, one of t2Doom and BanBliss made top cut, and, BanBliss won masters. :O
magmorter is pretty dead now.. as there are so many things that destroy it... empolion,glacion...
Banbliss- Bannette blissey.its a good combination since you can have cards to discard your own hand, such as tv reporter or lunatone+ solrock (lunasol) so yuo can discard energies for blissey and bannettes for making bannette attack hits 80. for 2 energies.
T2 houndoom its a great deck played with 4 multi energy and some DRE(double rainbow energy). this allows you to maximize the damage of its second attack, because discarding an energy card thet provides every tipe of energy (ME, DRE, Scramble) trigers both effects, allowing you to hit for 70 and burn.