so i can buy 1 of these catagories to build a deck these are all great decks and little by little i can build all of them but iwanted to know who u thought i should build first
dranpa gx 4 aproximated price 20 $
20 damage discard a special energie attached to ur oponents active pokemon
80 damage if this pokemon has any damage on it this attack does 70 more damage
gx attack ( u can only use one of these per game) shuffle ur hand into ur deck and draw 10 cards
dragonite ex 3 aproximated price 15 $
ablity when u put this pokemon onto ur benck u may take 2 pokemon from ur discard pile and put them into ur hand. this is for my mega gardevior deck which puts pokemon into ur discard pile for more damage to pull them up again
tecks for darkrai ex
alter of the moon 4 aproximated price 3 $
all ur pokemon that have dark type energie attached to them have a free retraet cost
this is to make darkrai have free retreat cost
fighting fury belt 4 aproximated price 12 $
the basic pokemon this card is attached to has 40 more hp and its attacks do 10 more this powers up darkrai and hgive him more hp
exp share 4 aproximated price 3 $
when 1 of ur pokemon is knocked out u may move a basic energie from that pokemon tho this pokemon darkai is a deck that does more damage for each energie every were so u will want to conserve ur energie
dranpa gx 4 aproximated price 20 $
20 damage discard a special energie attached to ur oponents active pokemon
80 damage if this pokemon has any damage on it this attack does 70 more damage
gx attack ( u can only use one of these per game) shuffle ur hand into ur deck and draw 10 cards
dragonite ex 3 aproximated price 15 $
ablity when u put this pokemon onto ur benck u may take 2 pokemon from ur discard pile and put them into ur hand. this is for my mega gardevior deck which puts pokemon into ur discard pile for more damage to pull them up again
tecks for darkrai ex
alter of the moon 4 aproximated price 3 $
all ur pokemon that have dark type energie attached to them have a free retraet cost
this is to make darkrai have free retreat cost
fighting fury belt 4 aproximated price 12 $
the basic pokemon this card is attached to has 40 more hp and its attacks do 10 more this powers up darkrai and hgive him more hp
exp share 4 aproximated price 3 $
when 1 of ur pokemon is knocked out u may move a basic energie from that pokemon tho this pokemon darkai is a deck that does more damage for each energie every were so u will want to conserve ur energie