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What Should I Cut? (Vanilluxe / Deoxys EX)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4-2-4: Vanilluxe
    4 Deoxys EX
    1 Thundurus EX
    1 Victini LT

  • 4 Rare Candy
    4 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Professor Juniper
    4 N
    3 Colress
    3 Shauna
    2 Lysandre
    1 Team Plasma Ball
    1 Ultra Ball
    3 Colress Machine
    1 Computer Search
    2 Startling Megaphone
    2 Switch

  • 4 DCE
    4 Plasma Energy
    4 Rainbow Energy

Strategy: Power up Vanilluxe with Deoxys and Muscle Band/Silver Bangle to dish out quick damage and score easy OHKOS. I thought I finally got the right balance of cards and was about to test a game with this when... oh wait where's the Bangle/Muscle Band? I wanted to put in at least 2 of each, but I just can't decide what to cut. Maybe some Fan Clubs? A draw supporter or two? Or maybe I could forget about the Colress Machine Engine and add another Thundurus? IDK.

BTW: I know that the deck autolosses to Aegislash EX, but I hope to get a few matches in with this before the new set is uploaded online so that's not much of a concern for this deck.
RE: Vanilluxe / Deoxys EX: What Should I Cut?

The vanilluxe is the plasma one right? I dont think you need deoxys for it. Maybe 1 or 2 of just for a FIghting/psychic counter.

Cause with Vanilluxe you will probably have at most 3 deoxys on the field, or it would take up too much space. You need at least 2 Vanilluxe all the time. Cause that pokemon isnt going to last long. So you need to be able to respond really quick. With 1 slot being taken up by Fliptini. Making it 6. So 3 Deoxys gives you 30 more damage and with 2 heads that hits for 120+30= 150 so, deoxys doesnt really do much for this deck. You would also need another flip or a muscle band at the same time. Thats a lot for just 170.

Either way you could probably drop 2 fan club, 1/2 colress and 1/2 shauna. With this deck list i imagine you only drawing into draw support over and over. Which can hurt.

You probably need like 2-3 ultra ball and probably 3 skyla to make this deck run more consistently. 2step pokemon need skyla to hit those rare candies.

You could also try fairy garden since you have rainbow energy for free retreat. Though it may not work out too well.