What to run with porygon z


Aspiring Trainer
So i desided to try and bring back porygon z with the new triumphant porygon,porygon 2. I ran into a speed bump i can not think of someone to back him up. Any suggestion on a back up attacker?
This is they porygon z line i want to run

4-3-3-1 PoryonZ 1 tr porygon z and 2 promos

Any suggestion are welcomed Thanks
Well i ran salamance with porygon z. You can use porygon z x poke power decode then use salamance top acelerator attach an energy and you can also have enti and sucian legend in your deck.
I'd consider teching a 1-1 line of Dialga G Lv.X to deal with Trainer lock decks. Use Promogon-Z to just quick-Level Up Dialga G. For a backup attacker, I believe that Porygon-Z decks don't really need backup attackers. It should do well on its own.'

@thepliskin5005: Two Stage-2's and a LEGEND (one being a Lv.X)? It's slow even with Porygon-Z's Power.
Well i had a porygon z x and salamance x deck and it was real good. But it had clay doll in it. I dont know how it would do now.
Sorry thepliskin5005 but i agree with gliscor on this one salamance porygon would be to slow for the format but thanks for this suggestion. Gliscor i know porygon does not all ways need a back up but in this case i would really like on thanks for the relys.

Any more Suggestions anyone?
You could use Dialga G as your back up attacker. That way, it'll serve two purposes. Stopping trainer locks, and a second attacker.

And yes, Salamence + Porygon + ESL = Inconsistent and not very fast in this new format.

EDIT: And the old format, for that matter...
Why the new Porygon-Z? You know it only gets trainers back from your discard right? I don't think Promogon really needs a back up; just be smart with your TM placements.
^Yes. That's the whole point. It gets them back from the discard.

With the new Pory-Z, the Porygon deck in general survives better late game. Especially with the new Junk Arm.
Or just use Mismagius Gl X from RR. You can move around pokemon tool cards, and maybe TMs, will have to check.

Edit: Yes, you can move your TMs to the next Promogon when the old one is going to die. Also use Rescue Energy.
lol promogon has a power that lets it do just that.
i'm running mine with 3 smeargle for a starter, and it works out great
Yeh Promogon is fairly beastly, my suggestion is a 2-1 or 1-1 Dialga G lv.X line, great Scizor and Vileplume counter.
@Zangosse: That's a real shame because Decode would combo real well with Top Accelerator, turning it from a really bad PokePower to a very good one.