XY What Type might Sylveon be?

pokemine breh

Aspiring Trainer
Ninfia, the recently announced eeveelution, has a unique look to it, and I've heard many opinions on its typing since its not known yet. Because of its name and its overall appearance, I would think normal, but I've also heard people think its bug or flying. What type do you think Ninfia is and why? And how would Eevee evolve into Ninfia?
RE: What type is Ninfia???

The way it will evolve, it will be a new stone or other item like the others (Umbreon/Espeon using the new clock, Leafeon/Glaceon using mossy/icy rock).
Type? No one will know for certain until it's revealed. Flying? Maybe. Normal? Possibly. Normal/Flying? Probally not.
If they introduce a new Light type, this Eeveelution could be one of them. Umbreon was one of the first Dark types, so it could happen again.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

maybe it could be a poison type or it can be a rainbow type , but it looks like skyla & milotic together? we have to wait and see what game freak have planned.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Well, judging by pokemon's past, i'd have to say it's a new type.
Generation 1 started it, so...
Generation 2 added colors, breeding, shinies, time, and friendship (2 new types added)
Generation 3 added... well... not much (0 new types)
Generation 4 added interchangeable forms (0 new types)
Generation 5 added interactive CG dungeons (0 new types added)
my guess is that new types are ONLY added when there's a game-changing.. well, change that revolutionizes all of the gameplay, instead of just certain minute parts (evolution, contest, computer connection) since they're not mandatory or always noticed.

as for those who are guessing it's evolution method already, im guessing it's going to be a new method. the Johto evolutions introduced friendship and time evolutions. Sinnoh's introduced location exclusive evolutions. I'm sure that Hoenn would have probably introduced version exclusive or contest related evolutions. Who knows? If they suddenly don't introduce a new evolution method for once, they might just go with trading with items, or trading to the other version.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

The magazine itself basically says "could it be the same type as eevee?" In this context, it's a rhetorical question basically already answering itself. It is the same type as eevee, so, it's a normal type, I guess it's a pure, direct eevee evolution.

I was hoping we had seen the last of eeveelutions, myself. I hope they reveal something cooler and newer soon.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Are you serious about this thread?

It's Normal, no doubt.

As I've guessed ever since they started teasing us with eeveelutions last year, gamefreak made the only logical next step and decided to make a more fancy, but non-elemental eeveelution.

This way,
-Eevee keeps its dignity (instead of being abused for silly types it was never conceptually meant to evolve into)
-new eeveelutions are kept to a minimum (instead of even another duo or more)
-future eeveelution speculation is prevented by at least 95% (otherwise I doubt people would ever stop hoping for new eeveelutions every other generation, whereas now plenty of people should see this is a kind of "cherry on top" thing)
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Honestly i think it's too pink to be anything but a normal type. I'm wondering if it'll be female Eevees only though?
RE: What type is Ninfia???

MistahFuji said:
Honestly i think it's too pink to be anything but a normal type. I'm wondering if it'll be female Eevees only though?
Lopunny isn't female only, Machamp isn't male only etc. ...
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Teal said:
MistahFuji said:
Honestly i think it's too pink to be anything but a normal type. I'm wondering if it'll be female Eevees only though?
Loppuny isn't female only, Machamp isn't male only etc. ...

True, stupid question, I apologise -_- Moon stone? Dawn stone? Shiny stone?
RE: What type is Ninfia???

MistahFuji said:
Teal said:
Loppuny isn't female only, Machamp isn't male only etc. ...

True, stupid question, I apologise -_- Moon stone? Dawn stone? Shiny stone?
I'm not saying it's totally impossible that it can only evolve as a female, but right now there is no real reason to think so. At least not because of the design. X/Y based on genders would be a more "solid" reason to think so, with the design just being an extra hint. The stars in the Eevee's friends -logo still don't have a reason to be there, and the other "stylistic choice", the ribbon, turned out to be a hint so it's not impossible for the stars to be another hint. (=> Male Eeveelution, if you want to take the X/Y path.) Not saying there will be one, just looking at it from different viewpoints.

New evolutions in general are always added so that it is impossible to fullfill the evolution requirements in an older game just to see the Pokémon not evolving. That's why stuff like Dawn and Shiny stones exist in the first place. So no. There will be a new method or item. Maybe "bonding" to show off the new feature.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

I'm just going to say it straight out. The coloring and "bows" make me think it has a Normal typing.
However, a flying Eevee...
RE: What type is Ninfia???

FloodBadge said:
Well, judging by pokemon's past, i'd have to say it's a new type.
Generation 1 started it, so...
Generation 2 added colors, breeding, shinies, time, and friendship (2 new types added)
Generation 3 added... well... not much (0 new types)
Generation 4 added interchangeable forms (0 new types)
Generation 5 added interactive CG dungeons (0 new types added)
my guess is that new types are ONLY added when there's a game-changing.. well, change that revolutionizes all of the gameplay, instead of just certain minute parts (evolution, contest, computer connection) since they're not mandatory or always noticed.

as for those who are guessing it's evolution method already, im guessing it's going to be a new method. the Johto evolutions introduced friendship and time evolutions. Sinnoh's introduced location exclusive evolutions. I'm sure that Hoenn would have probably introduced version exclusive or contest related evolutions. Who knows? If they suddenly don't introduce a new evolution method for once, they might just go with trading with items, or trading to the other version.

Gen 3 introduced abilities. That was game changing.

For Ninfia I would say its Normal or Flying. I don't want it to be Normal because Eevee should be the Normal eeveelution IMO.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

If it is normal type I believe there will be a less feminine form for us guys, however as seen with pokemon shiny collection pokemon could be trying to make a move on female players.

I don't think that it's color scheme matches with flying type either. I seethe bows, but it just doesn't come off as flying. If there's sound type this generation it'll be sound type. It looks like a sound type to me.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Normal seems to be the most logical type based off appearance. It doesn't really look capable of flying which eliminates that possibility. Bonding is friendship so I kind of doubt that would be the evolution method.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

King Arceus said:
Bonding is friendship so I kind of doubt that would be the evolution method.
Who said the bonding mechanism = friendship? Friendship needs to stay in order to evolve a lot of Pokémon and bonding is said to be a new mechanism.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

I think that ninfia is likely to be a normal type evolution, I don't think that they would bring a new type into the games this late on, it would mean that too many Pokemon would have to be re-typed just doesn't make sense, also as for the method of evolution, I'm thinking maybe a prism scale since it has the same colourings as milotic
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Peachy263 said:
I'm thinking maybe a prism scale since it has the same colourings as milotic
Again, that is impossible because Prism Scale already exists in gen 5 and it doesn't evolve Eevee in gen 5.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

I'm more interested in the evolution method than the typing, honestly. I'd be willing to bet that it has to do with the gen 6 bond mechanic, even if it does imply that no one outside of gen6land has a strong bond with their Eevee.

Also, no generation has included only a single evolution of Eevee; might we see another one sometime down the road, or do you guys think that gen 6 will break this pattern and this Pokemon is all we're gonna get (since it would make sense for all new evolutions to be present in the movie)?
RE: What type is Ninfia???

PMJ said:
I'm more interested in the evolution method than the typing, honestly. I'd be willing to bet that it has to do with the gen 6 bond mechanic, even if it does imply that no one outside of gen6land has a strong bond with their Eevee.

Also, no generation has included only a single evolution of Eevee; might we see another one sometime down the road, or do you guys think that gen 6 will break this pattern and this Pokemon is all we're gonna get (since it would make sense for all new evolutions to be present in the movie)?

I'm hoping for a dragon eevee
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Teal said:
Peachy263 said:
I'm thinking maybe a prism scale since it has the same colourings as milotic
Again, that is impossible because Prism Scale already exists in gen 5 and it doesn't evolve Eevee in gen 5.

It wouldn't be impossible, if there wasn't anything to evolve it into then it doesn't mean it's impossible, it's now because there is the option for a new evolution that the prism scale method would become available to use, anyway this is all speculation so you wouldn't be able to rule it out until it was confirmed anyway
It's like saying that a dawn stone or a shiny stone wouldn't work because they were introduced in gen 4 and it didn't work there.