What was your most exciting battle?


Aspiring Trainer
Mine was when I was abusing Pokepowers/Pokebodies/Special Conditions. The battle lasted for a long time.

(Though this is in a different battle) I used a Pokepower on one of my Giratinas that let me shuffle my hand into my deck (One card) and my opponent has to also (She had like, 20 cards), and we had to draw four cards.

Anyone want to share Their's?
I was playing a Flygon SW/LV X/Nidoqueen/Nidoking and was putting 10 on defending, discarding the top card, healing ten, and doing 20 when attacked. It wasn't very exiting but it was certainly fun.
My friend took me to my first pre-release and we battled for our first match. We went into sudden death and I lost. ;_;
Well, I was playing the Toxic SP Theme Deck on the City Championships, and ran into a Tyranitar/Darkrai-deck.
I thought I'd be able to win by taking out the first Larvitar (leaving only a Darkrai), but boy was I wrong...
In the end, we both got down to one prize each, and she (my opponent) was ready to KO me with a Tyranitar when I drew a Honchkrow G and sniped her Darkrai Lv. X!

Best battle I've had in years, actually. People usually either beat me extremely fast or lose extremely fast, so it was nice to see one that managed to last through a full battle (we were both down to less than five cards each in our decks). Even nicer was that I won the battle. ^-^
Mine was in a local league. me and one friend of mine were battling in the final and i was using Dialga / Luxray / garchomp. he was using Palkia / Dialga Lock.

I Started with Dialga and Deafen for a few turns. After some time, i knock out a Palkia G lv.X with a Luxray Lv.X, and then a mesprit with a Garchomp C lv.X. Also, i knocked out a uxie with Dialga ant we were 3 prizes to 6 (i was with 3 prizes). When he made set-up he started to take prizes and me too equally. After time ups, i had taken 5 prizes and he 3. So, i had win, but if time wasn't up, i´m very sure he would win. i was very calm during the match and he was very stressed, because theres was a point where he needed to take 3 prizes in 3 minutes. He didn´t. XD

Sorry for my spelling, i´m not English/American.
One time was at Cities. I was playing Superwolfe (both of us were playing Glistomb) and I had to win in order to make it to the top cut. I started out with a horrible start, and he had a good one. Superwolfe got the lock going first, which had the top cut hanging when he took three prizes, and I took none. And then, I finally got setup and started to lock him back. In the end, the prize count was one to one, meaning next KO wins. I needed to topdeck a Gliscor Lv.X in order to win, or else I just lost.

*Heart of the Cards* You can guess what happened =D
Yesterday small construct my scizor cherrim, against kingdra he get a quick kingdra and hit my scizor upto 80, he has 2 cards in hand and baltoy on the bench, next turn i draw and use the 2 poketurns i've had in hand all game drag out baltoy and pound down KO, his turn draws, plays his top decked card 'luxury ball' no chance on dol now get his poke and ends turn he doesn't want to drop those 2 cards :p he thought back hard but no claydol, meant a slower setup and no big chance of stringing dragon pumps. Good Game though
Mine was last cities.

I'm playing FlyChamp, and I"m going against Gengar with Dialga G Lv. X, Gallade 4 Lv. X, and Crobat G's teched in it. My opponent had a beastly start, and took the first 5 prizes. ;-; But then, I got a set up, and slowly started to come back. With the help of 2 Fainting Spell Tails, I get the game back to 1-1, and pull off a Warp Point to use Take Out on whatever he sends up from his bench. From 6-1 to 0-1, pretty exciting for that day.
Mine was last years BR's vs. Anthony Orenbaum. I had a champ donk, but all 3 of my champ were conveniently prized. He was playing flykiss, and I ended up using my warp point a turn too early. He won with 10 HP remaining, 6-5.
Last weekend at benelux cup, I was playing linda and I had a lone gastly to her shaymin + sceptile.
so I needed to topdeck a bebe, roseanne, luxury ball or baltoy because I had claydol + BTS and candy in my hand. so I literally say I believe in the heart of the cards and i topdeck a bebe, and with the claydol I get a gengar and a dusknoiur on the field. That was definateley thrilling.
In top cut, at Cities, I Wind Eroded the person's last Unown G. He then scooped because I had a Machamp with a {F} on the bench.
City Championships round 3 my VS the kid who won. We both started with a Luxray GL and a Crobat, we were both playing lame cliche SP, it was a very intense battle, I lost by 2 prizes.
My most fun battle was facing Shuppet with Turtwig GL. It was to see who won cities he had beat me in the finals for Battle Roads in September. I got a Turtwig with 3 energies, a snowpoint, a landmin, and an expert belt with 2 Offense Cherrims on my bench. I was worried because he was ahead in prizes and was spending to much time trying to figure out how to kill turtwig. I knew though that he couldn't because he had 3 SSUs and 4 Poketurns in the discard and could only do 90 with Shuppet which turtwig would heal next turn. Eventually he scooped when he realized he couldn't win.
This is at the 2008 grinders 3rd round:
We were both playing GG and we were both 3-0. I got a really bad hand and he got a god hand. So he took 5 prizes quickly. Then he made the mistake of not psycic locking and he put an extra bacic on his bench, so I dark palmed his gallade and then I set up a Gardevoir and OHKO his Gardevoir. At that point he had nothing so it went down to 1-1 he could have OHKO my Gardevoir with his Dusknoir when he googleeanne's he had no psycic energy or DRE left so I won. His last prize was a psycic energy lol.
In my CC, I was playing a kid I had lost to the day before. I get off to a good start and KO his Mewtwo with my Leafeon. Then, I draw Leafeon Lv. X as my prize. From there, I attach an E. Belt, and just sweep through the whole game :)
It was the 3rd and last round for my local tourny about 2 weeks ago. I was playing Curse Gar and he was playing Gyarados. I can't remember the early game but we were 5-1. Then I think I KO-ed his Gyarados, next turn he Rescued a Magikarp. My turn. I had 3 energys on Dusknoir, Dark Palmed his Magikarp, then played TGW :X From then on, I just kept TGWing and doing 100 every turn with Dusknoir and took my other 5 prizes. He never got another Gyarados out. :X
well mine was at grinders 09 round 5 against aziz al yami. I play Plakia/luxray he played flychamp, i had my luxray x and azelf prized so i could not get many cheap prizes and we kept trading prizes until it was 1-1 he had a flygon out with 2 damage and 2 energys and i would lose the next turn as he levels up and uses extreme attack, so i look at my hand i see wait i have luxury ball and 4 poketurn left(hey i could not use them at all). So i lux ball for a bat flashbite him once, and play, poketurn,poketurn,poketurn,poketurn, for another 4 damage which makes flygon have 50 hp left, and i use pearl breath for game GG Aziz
Oh I almost forgot about this, me VS LORDY JONES at the Arceus prerelease, he has one prize left, but no bench. Swalot active, I have a Geodude, I need to flip 7 heads in a row to win, I did, it was ridiculous.
I wouldn't have ever been able to do that (I usually get tails when flipping coins (That's why I always choose tails to begin the game))
Vulpix Yolk said:
Oh I almost forgot about this, me VS LORDY JONES at the Arceus prerelease, he has one prize left, but no bench. Swalot active, I have a Geodude, I need to flip 7 heads in a row to win, I did, it was ridiculous.