What Were the "First Turn" Rules Throughout the Years?


Tis a good deck, but sure tis no pool, English
So I've been collecting the world championship decks and I now have all of them from 2004 to the most current ones. The issue is that I want to play them with friends, but I don't know the first turn rules for a lot of the past formats. I know that at some point you weren't allowed to draw a card on your first turn and then the formats changed on whether or not you could attack or play trainer cards. Does anyone remember the first turn rules for past formats or know of a place where I can look them up myself? I've tried searching, but it's hard to find rules for early formats.
Im fairly sure that it has always been the same, but in the middle of the B&W era, they had first ticket before it got banned
First turn rules have definitely been different. I'm not sure exactly what the rules were, but digging up one of my old BW and one of my XY info sheets give the following information:

post-BW, Any Trainer card (Supporter, Item, Stadium) can be played on the first turn, while I think during some of the formats, Trainers could not be played.
post-XY, the player going first cannot attack on their first turn. Originally Pokemon could.
post-XY, the coin flip is done before drawing an opening hand. Players can also now choose whether to go first or second if they win the flip.
Until BW, you were allowed to attack on your first turn. You didn't draw a card, but you could do anything else.

They changed the rulings due to donk strategies from Machamp SF and, more significantly, Sableye SF.
I just accidentally just came across an article that gives some history (repeating a little of what PP said):

Base Set - Ruby/Sapphire ----> No restrictions
Ruby/Sapphire - 2004 World Championships ----> The player going first can't draw a card at the start of their first turn.
2004 World Championships - Diamond and Pearl ----> The player going first can't draw a card at the start of their first turn, nor play Supporters on their first turn.
Diamond and Pearl - BW (?) ----> The player going first can't play Supporters, Trainers or Stadium cards on their first turn, but can draw a card at the start.
BW - XY ----> The game reverts back to Base Set first turn rulings.
XY - now ----> The player going first can't attack on their first turn.