what works with ho-oh legend?

Ninetales/Typhlosion engine comes to mind. And yes, DCE counts since the body doesn't specify basic energy
Two Things:
1. DCE do count as fire when attached to Ho-Oh Legend, because it says all "energy", not all "energy cards" attached to it a fire energy.
2. Entei cannot help Ho-Oh set up at all, so I don't reccomend it. Also, I would run Typlosion for recovery of energy, and use engineer's adjustments to discard energy, allowing you to attach 2 energy/turn to ho-oh. If you're running ho-oh, put as many DCE as possible, and also, legend box really helps for getting out ho-oh and attaching energy!! (But if you want, you can also run luxury ball to get the 2 halves)
Unless you want to significantly slow down your deck and waste deck space, run the Entei. I would run:

3-3 Ninetales GS
2-2-2 Typhlosion GS

The key is to start drawing into cards you need ASAP. Don't forget to run the four DCE.
losing is fun? Fun decks aren't supposed to be terrible, but theyre also not supposed to be great.
All Im saying is that its more fun to win than lose. And making the deck worse isnt really fun, unless your seeing who can make the worst deck. ERL can work with ho-oh. My friend is building a legend toolbox deck, Im pretty interested to see how that does.
im not looking for a good deck i just want a fun deck.

Lol. Why can't it both? Nothing is stopping you from making a well built fun deck, though if you don't care about winning or losing then you can add whatever tech you want. though making an inconsistent and bulky fun deck doesn't sound really fun to me.
if your willing to wait you can run bronzong from triumphant in it

it allows you to search for both halves at the same time
With the resources used to build bronzong, you could probably have gotten the 2 legend halves in your hand. Id rather just play 4 communication, 4 bebe's, and a luxury ball, and maybe even a "ball engine" with all the balls like quick, dusk, poke etc.
I would play maybe even both jirachi and sableye, 4 bebe's, 4 communication, and a luxury ball to ensure that you get it out ASAP. IDK you you would charge it up best though. Maybe you could play it like sablelock and lock them (sorta) until your set up.
I would try using Meganium prime or any pokemon with leaf trans, simply trans over 4 grass energies to your ho-oh legend and it will be able to blast for a hundred every turn. Sceptile from stormfront works too but it has lower hp than meganium.
Similar to Tyranicham's idea, I was also thinking that it would be possible to run Ho-Oh LEGEND with Blastoise UL with its Wash Out Poke-Body; it's a lot like Leaf Trans, plus Water Pokemon have a lot of support as well available for them. It's best combined with cards like Floatzel UL or Feraligatr PRIME, both of which can have Water energy easily hit the field without using up the one-per-turn cost.

Just make sure you have some reliable energy searching options on hand, such as Interviewer's Questions or Bronzong SF.
(This is some deck idea I thought of a looooong time ago, but I never implemented it. I probably should someday.)
It could be a great tech, but the body can get shut off, and then your in trouble. You could tech it into blastoise/feraligatr for water resistant grass types or something, or just more fire power.