What would the Abbreviation for HS: Trimphant be?

RE: What would the Abbriviation for HS: Trimphant be?


HGSS: TRPH i guess
RE: What would the Abbriviation for HS: Trimphant be?

HST or HS:T.

I'd assume those would be the most common. Or it could be TP, TH, or TR for the Play! decklists.
RE: What would the Abbriviation for HS: Trimphant be?

TR because isnt Arceus AR?
RE: What would the Abbriviation for HS: Trimphant be?

It can't be TR because there's already Team Rocket... I think the closest one is TP and that should be the used abbreviation...
RE: What would the Abbriviation for HS: Trimphant be?

I would say either TR or TU, even though we got Team Rocket TR just sounds way better than the other abbreviations.

RE: What would the Abbriviation for HS: Trimphant be?

TP, because it sounds much better. (I may be going to TP's prerelease in Memphis, TN!)
I assumed it was going to be HS:T or TR. I forgot about Team Rocket, but otherwise we'll run out of letters eventually.
@ Shining Raikou:

I hope to dear god we never call it HST. Why? Because us Canadians here in Canada (redundancy check) has to deal with a little 13% tax called the H.S.T.

I vote for HS:TR.
The abbreviation will probably be 2 letters (excluding the HS part). All other sets (after DP) have had 2 letter abbreviations. I'd say TR.
TR makes the most sense.
team rocket is a very old set, and im pretty sure most people will refer to it as team rocket set or team rocket returns for the ex series.
its not like we abbreviate base set as BS.

or it can follow the pre-fix/suffix system we've been using for undaunted and unleashed
tri-umphant TU

although i still think TR flows better
^I do... It doesn't matter if Team Rocket is old... I already use "TR" for that set, so Triumphant should be TP...
I belive ogeray's theory makes the most sense. I never refer to Team Rocket as TR. Maybe because many people don't use abbriviations for old sets anymore, but I believe Triumphant should be named TR.
what it comes down to is popularity. if more people refer to triumphant as TR, then itll be known by TR.
if more people use TU or TP, then thats what itll be refered to instead