What's a Good Partner for Garchomp?


X-Ball motherf***er
hey guys, I don't know what to pair with garchomp (mach cut)
and also does garchomp still good?

can you give a list if you have a good partner for garchomp

thanks in advance
and Merry Christmas :D
RE: Garchomp plus?

Altaria (Fight Song) and Terrakion (Retaliate)/Landorus Ex.
RE: Garchomp plus?

It's pretty much your only option, you can leave out the Altaria and just go for solo Garchomp with Terrakion/Landorus EX techs.
RE: Garchomp plus?

HellYeah said:
altaria and garchomp did not seems to work well

This is primarily due to Altaria's frailness. It has 70 HP - an OHKO for Retaliate (avenging a KO'd Pokémon), Night Spear, Secret Sword with only one Water Energy attached, etc. I'd go solo Garchomp and throw in a Terrakion NV and a few Landorus. One for 60 is still very good, especially when it discards Special Energy.
RE: Garchomp plus?

I've seen decks that are just Garchomp/Terrakion place fairly well. You could try that.
RE: Garchomp plus?

I play 3-3 Altaria and some Emolgas at my league, it's pretty consistent at least there. Just rember some Super Rods. I had two but it doesn't seem to be enough. (At least with my horrible prize luck. :3)
RE: Garchomp plus?

Yeah. You need at least two Super Rod because Altarias are really easy to KO.
RE: Garchomp plus?

yeah been looking for a recent therad on this

citys for roseville is in a few days and im getting nervouse
ine decided to run garchomp altaria
heres my desired decklist;
4 garchomp mach cut
3 gabite dragon call
4 gible sand attack
3 altaria fight song
4 swablu
2 emolga call for family
20 pokemon

4 juniper
2 charen
2 N
2 bianca
10 supporters

4 rare candy
4 potion
2 super rod
4 switch
4 level ball
18 trainer

skyarrow bridge
1 stadium

7 fighting energy
4 blend energy water lightning steel fighting

id put catchers but theyre too expensive and ill never have them