Whats better? Old or new pokemon cards

WHich is better

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define the line of old and new....

DP/eveything, DP, ex/everything
When Dp came out, i felt the game has died. i was so disapointed with the cards...But now there are expansions like secret wonders, MD and "soon" legends awakened, i feel the game is more exiting and strategic ever. Cheers for dp-on!!!!
I hate to admit it but the new cards are going in a way better direction than the old ones. Sure they were good times and miss the old cards. The weakness/resistance is better now. Most cards art is more than wonderful. Gameplay system is good.
The only downside is the way the game is unbalanced at the moment. Some cards are a bit over powered, while some are just total trash that nobody wants :/ (but I guess that's how it's always been :p)
Because of the higher damage output. Almost all the cards in the older sets have ratios of about 4 energies for 50 damage, which was slow, and inefficient. An attack that had guarenteed status would have something like 3 energies for 10 damage. And HP then was tiny compared to now. Their Powers and Trainers were made so broken to compensate for the extreme lack of acceleration then.

Now, we can do 4 energies for maybe 90 damage. The higher you go in a chain, of course the energy would be more suffiecient. Status moves, unless devastatingly powerful (Pollen Hazard, Venusaur EX FRLGl; CC for 20, Poison, Burns and Sleeps) don't have extra costs for the status. We have cards to help recycle energies; heck, we have cards that can kill your opponent by counting the discarded energies.

No, the older ones are pitiful and weak. Only their trains and their powers are what made unlimited so powerful. There are very little attacks in the old cards, as far as I know, that are used commonly. All main attackers are recent EX cards.
Hmmm, okay, here's my opinion:

I think DP is the best series, then the Neo series, then the E-Card series. DP is the best in my eyes, no because it's OMG POWERRRFUL, because that's not something great a bout the series itself - Anybody could supe up pokemon cards, which is what Nintendo's done. I like it because decks these days have more strategy than decks in the old days. There are more techs to work with, etc. which brings in skill for fast set-up and whatnot. The old sets in terms of art and card set-up... Were probably better, IMO. Except the Lv X's, those have fantastic artwork. And the E-Card sets, were, uh, just really cool.
If we are talking about the stats of each card, the new. They always have to make new, more powerful cards so people who don't go to tournements (which is their biggest buyer) will continue to buy cards so that they can beat their friends who also have these more powerful pokes.
I like where the new cards are going, and they have much better visual appeal...but...

The old ones were more even. Like, nowadays, there's about 5 or 6 decks that EVERYONE plays, or some variation of them. (eg: G&G, Eeeveelutions, Empo...just to name a few.) But the old cards gave players limitless deck choices, and each one was unique and good in its own way.

And frankly, that's what I like about card games, so I'm going with old. :]

EDIT:: also, the energy cost shouldn't alter opinions. At the time, the energy costs were fine. But now that there are ones with better costs, we go to them. My opinion :eek:
the old cards were good

heres my oponeon;
Base(fossil & Jungle)
fire red leaf green
neo seris
ruby and saphire
old bcoz of the ex factor... and new because of the pokemon that are as powerful as an ex... wahahaha!!!
Wait- It depends on how you define "better". The new cards are obviously [more powerful], but is that what the creator of this thread intended us to answer?
I prefer the design of the newer cards, and I also like the selection more than the older cards. Although I like how the new sets make it a little easier on beginners, I still liked the overpowered pokemon from the older sets (even though their are still power players in the new sets). In the new sets I also like the distinction between Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums. I also think that the fossils were handled better in the new sets.
Legendsneverdie said:
I think most the new cards are powerful.. but if ur collecting u prolly rather have the old charizard.
I TOTALLY agree with this. I am more of a collector, and collectors want money and cool looking cards. I like the look of the cards in the old category, but the new ones are just, I don't know, too "modern-looking" I guess. I think the playing field is better in the new, and the collecting is in the old. :D
I like both but i don't really have many new cards though as i only started collecting again a month or so ago , i like the old ones because they were first i got and that was when everyone i knew was collecting , but the new cards definitely have the slight edge on the old cards.