What's good in SV?

Professor Palutena

The Queen
My local store recently brought in their shipment of SV. I want to know if there's anything worth buying from the set. I'm not looking for attacker cards like Absol and Blaziken. I'm looking for cards that could fit in any deck, like a tech.

I want to ultimately know if there's something in SV worth purchasing. If there isn't, I'll go for some RR packs.

Thanks Guys.
Maybe VS Seeker.
Claydol XD.
Maybe Sandslash.
And Dodrio.
This is all that I see for non-attackers (well relicanth but w/e).

And for attackers:
Arcanine (non-G).
^ don't get him. Burn him, and if he's immune, then tear him apart. It is absolute trash.
Claydol isn't really good in SV.

Garchomp C Lv.X (for SP's)
It's probably better to just trade for the things you need. Most of your pulls from the packs will be junk. You have a 1 out of 48 chance of getting that rare you wanted and all that.
Staraptor lvX - lets you search for a supporter during your turn

I think everything else has been mentioned..

might want to buy/trade for a Mankey?
Well there's Dodrio. While he's not really an attacker he can just sit on your bench and you can just keep drawing cards.
Chatot G is a useful tech in some decks, plus a good starter for SP decks.