Whats inside Theme Deck?


Hm ...
Have u know any site that its showing whats inside deck beacuse when Im buying its only name, no whats inside... I saw section about it on pokebach.com but now its canceled.
What you get with a starter deck:
I'll use the "Nightfall" pre-consrtucted/starter deck.
1x 60 card deck
1x Metallic (not realy-it's a plastic coin (TPCi, get it right)) coin
1x Rulebook/Card list (HGSS-UD)
Damge Counters (which I don't use, as I like to use dice (& you can make the x10, into x50 if you need more))
1x Bonus Booster (new starters only)
1x "Paper" playmat (like the same kind you get with a YGO starter/theme deck)

If you want, I can take photo's of it.
They are Italian so I ll try to translate.
Pokemon EX Leggende Nascoste mazzo tematico Creatore di Sogni - Pokemon EX Hidden Leggend theme deck Monsters of Dreams
Pokemon EX L'Isola dei Draghi mazzo tematico Superonda - Pokemon EX Island of Dragons theme deck Superonda

but I cant check by myself? It will be easier then make u worry all time ^^
What pokémon is on the front of it (IE: Umbreon/Blackie is on the one for "Nightfall")...then I can work my way from there.


But I mean page like this :
but I cant find it.
There you go:

^Ok, well that's a start.
Goes to SPP's Cark-Dex to see what in the "Hidden Legends" deck (I restarted on the TCG when the expansion came out).

After you posted the links, I knew exactly what one it is~it's the Wishmaker starter deck
1x Jirachi
1x Metagross
1x Huntail
1x Tentacruel
2x Metang
2x Starmie
3x Clamperl
3x Medtite
3x Tentacool
3x Totodile
4x Beldum

2x Life Herb (you can use the one from UD as well)
2x Steven's Advice
2x PokéNav
2x Energy Search

2x Sp Metal
11x Water
11x Psychic

That's why I go to SPP's card-dex if I want to build a starter deck...for teaching newbies how to play.