Whats next for pokemon cards?


Aspiring Trainer
Ok so with the legends set finished/finishing. what do you think will come now?
They have changed the format of the card layout. Do you think this is the end of primes/legends already? and if it is the end are you glad or sad? and what do you think/hope will come next?

I for one like primes as they are mostly really decent cards. i also really like the style of the card's. I Also really like Legends, purely because i think there artworks and shinyness is pure awesome.

Would you like the return of lvl x's or something copletely new. and does anybody have any ideas of there own.
I think this will be the end of legends since the japanese card sets were "legend sets". They might keep primes? I hope they do, I really like primes.
Well, we'll find out when the japanese B&W gets released. Does anyone remember when they were said to be released?
I hope they do keep primes I prefer them loads to LV X's because of the larger chance to get them and they were easier to play ingame. I hope in the b&w series they increase the amount of hidden cards in the set, it would make them more exciting.

Also they might create a new type of card like that. With each era we have had a new tye ex's, LV X's and primes so I think they'll maybe keep primes and create a new something to replace the legends
yeah i do hope there more hidden cards. like shiny pokemon, and reprints. cause the alphs just sucked in comparison
I was thinking about making a thread like this. I've been wondering how will be the next Super Pokémon cards...
Personally, I think it was a stupid ideia to end with the lv.x's and make the new prime and legend cards when they were only used for 4 japanese sets. They should have continued with Lv. X's until the end of gen 4...

@Electabuzzy: Primes might be easier to play but Lv. X's were more versatile...
I want things like Lv.X's. They'll have good attacks, and Poke Powers and Bodies that can only be used from the active spot.

The thing I didn't like about Primes were that there was no new ruling for them. I would like new rulings for special cards, like ex's or Lv.X's.
how about super rare TM's. that give certain types of pokemon BEATSTLY moves.? quite boring yeah but maybe as secret rares. things like frenzy plant tool. 120, damage 3-4 energy cant use next turn
Instead of super rare TM's, why not just TM's in general? I mean, there have been very little TM's for how commonly used they are in the game.

For the "Super Pokemon", it could be anything really. Each new era has been a surprise, from EX to * to Lv.X to Legend.
Go back to the ex cards. I loved the series, and they were always beautiful to look at and the double-Prize Card thing made you rethink your strategy. I also want them to bring back the Delta Species.
I'd like cards without gimmicks. They should not change the rules of the game. EXs and Great Pokemon did nothing to change the rules. There were no hard questions about them because they were easy to understand. LV Xs, unless basics, were impossible to play as a deck, and Legend cards were just silly. EXs were just super powered mon that gave 2 prizes. 2 normal mon generally =ed an ex. Great Pokemon WERE normal cards, but shiny. I would appreciate something like this.

As for B/W cards, I feel they will add an gimmick of some form. I feel dual types might be coming back. I don't consider Legends real POKEMON cards (as they really aren't full Pokemon). There are some funny dual typing in the games coming, and I feel the cards might follow suit. THAT WOULD BE FINE. If we have our new foil be dual types, it would be perfect. Aside from "Which comes first: weakness or resistance", they would be easy to understand. I fear, however, something more will come.
I agree with Zero. Quite honestly, the game doesn't need gimmicky stuff...I think dual typing would be just fine. It existed only in one or two sets (and honest dual-typing, not Delta Species) and I think it was underutilized. It adds a whole new layer of strategy to the game imo and would be a nice change-up from the norm. And if they continue the tradition of having supah-cards like they have since ex...it will be interesting to see what they come up with next.
i like dual typing. i would also Love for them, to change rev holo back to how they were during the late ex series. with the pokemon being holo not the card i like holon phantoms rev holo cards.

i think dual typing might make a comeback and would be happy with that.
delta species looked nice but that was about it. it jsut wasnt right seeing an electric charizard
I also hope they bring back dual-typing as it would make the game so much more elaberate but ithing delta species were cool as it gave you new posiblities eg. being able to have charizard in an electric deck. I also hope they have a new reverse holo style. The current ones are so boring and the ex ones were cool, hasving a complete rev ex set would be epic with like a logo on every card and every card being shiny. Also the legendary collection revs were cool (similar to present ones but with fireworks detail similar to rotom shiny effect) and if they brung them back that would be cool.

I hope they release more shiny pokemon but on a greater scale with like 5-10 in each set rather than 2-3 and have them as the same rarity as a prime card. It would mean you could actually use shiny pokemon in decks instead of the normal versions.
Yeah shinies were too rare. They were really unusable. I was thinking about what if rev holos were shiny versions of the pokemon :) so you could have every pokemon in shiny:). Same number different art :). Only problem is you would really have 2 sets to collect
They need to fix the metagame first of all. I'm tired of BDIFs and like, TWO competitive decks running the scene. They better introduce stuff in BW to counter Lost World.

After that they should bring back the mechanics from the EX era: Dual types, , cards that work based on number of prizes, variety of draw engines and more starter pokemon.

To me the EX era was the hey-day. So many good memories and the game was quite balanced.
i hate the fact there are BDIF's its so boring. everyones after tha same cards and most people play the same decks its so annoying. but its not possible to eliminate that. theres always gonna be 5 or so best decks each contering each other
EspeonROX said:
Go back to the ex cards. I loved the series, and they were always beautiful to look at and the double-Prize Card thing made you rethink your strategy. I also want them to bring back the Delta Species.

I don't know, I'm not a huge fan of Pokemon ex cards though I will admit they did an excellent job in terms of card illustrations for them. I wouldn't want to run the risk of my opponent getting 2 prize cards let alone 4 with Expert Belt attached or on a LEGEND that's not Ho-Oh or Lugia even.

It does set that balance of making you think and Expert Belt does just as good of a job as any Pokemon ex does.

julliant said:
They need to fix the metagame first of all. I'm tired of BDIFs and like, TWO competitive decks running the scene. They better introduce stuff in BW to counter Lost World.

After that they should bring back the mechanics from the EX era: Dual types, , cards that work based on number of prizes, variety of draw engines and more starter pokemon.

To me the EX era was the hey-day. So many good memories and the game was quite balanced.

I got into Pokemon after the EX era around Diamond/Pearl and quite frankly I enjoyed it especially
the Pokemon Lv. X cards. I'm sure there's more than 2 competitive decks since there's more Rogue decks being built with the rotation of Claydol and Roseanne's in the new meta.

It is kinda hard to build a pretty good deck without Claydol for that speed consistency nowadays but it was needed to freshen up the metagame and the loss of Roseanne's didn't impact the meta as much as the loss of Claydol did.

The problem right now is that there isn't enough combos or card synergies to make for more playable decks which will be made up for in HS Triumphant, until then we have several good decks but most of them consist of either Trainer Lock decks with Spiritomb/Vileplume or SP.

Now with Spiritomb being made into a League Promo for the 2010-2011 Season with it being alot easier to get ahold of it seems like most players might drop running Trainers altogether and run a full fledged Supporter line unless they're running Stage 2 decks with Rare Candy which will get an ace in the hole with Hunter next set hopefully.
In my Charizard deck I use the Shiny Vulpix because I find it to be more helpful to search for energy so when I evolve it next turn I can draw 3 cards by discarding the energy. I also used Shiny Voltorb in a deck too at one point.