Whats the Difference?

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Brandon Smiley

"Big Tex"
So, i was thinking a little while ago about last format, and what the big decks were.
Well, then i thought about this format.. And i noticed something.
LuxChomp/SP was the BDIF for the longest time, and guess what? They were a bunch of speedy HP basics with strong attacks, and a unique engine.
Now.. look at Zekrom and Reshiram. High HP, Fast, and both have a type of engine.
Zekrom, obviously with Pachirisu and Shaymin, Reshiram with Typhlosion/Emboar/Ninetales.

So, the old BDIF- SP Decks, and ZPS/Reshiram decks are a lot a like.

So, what else..? Well, another good deck that there was, is Gyarados. Gyarados was uber fast, and hit for free. All it had to do was reach the requirement. (Magikarps in discard pile)
It was a fast, Stage 1, with pretty big HP.
Now.. look at Yanmega! What do you see? Stage 1, fast, and an amazing Pokebody.. it attacks for free if you fulfill the requirement.(Match the hand size)

So, the old Tier 1 Deck- Gyarados, and Yanmega Decks are a lot a like.
Also, SP Decks (Luxray based ones, at least) had a great match-up against Gyarados. Zekrom and Reshiram decks have a great match-up against Yanmega..
Hmm.. weird? Nah.

The good old counter deck, Machamp. Machamp was amazing at doing what it did. Killing SP decks, and doing bleh against everything else.
Now, we have DonChamp, who took his place. Now, he might not be as good as an example as the other decks, but i think it's pretty good. DonChamp steam-rolls ZPS(ZPS, in this case, Luxray based decks), but doesn't do so great against Reshiram. (Reshiram, in this case, Sablelock)
What beat Machamp consistenly? Gyarados. What beats DonChamp consistently? Yanmega decks.. What does Donphan beat? ZPS (LuxChomp) What does it do okay against? Reshiram. (Sablelock)

Yeah.. you could also take those MewBox decks, and consider them as the other Tier 1, VileGar. The only real thing they have in common is the Vileplume, and consistent high end damage.

Has anyone else noticed that?
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