What's the point of Prime pokemon?


Lucario Bait! <3
Sorry if this counts as spam or something, but I just wanted to know. How do they affect the game? They aren't like Lvl. Xs.... To me they seem like just a cool looking card with shiny stuff on them. Do Primes really do anything special other than sometimes having Poke-Powers/Bodies and big attacks?

Thanks! :)
Do Primes really do anything special other than sometimes having Poke-Powers/Bodies and big attacks?
Not really, no - that's basically what Primes are, and not much else. But the artwork is fancy.
i believe they were made to replace lvl x's. HGSS started a new era of cards kind of. there were no more SP's there was all basics and there evo's not just crobat g. they had to make it special some how so they through in primes, even if some of them are...lame *cough* blissey *cough*. there were trying to some what slow down the meta...and they didnt succeed because they made mew prime lol. i like primes more than lvl x personally. first you dont already have to have a stage 2 out to put down a prime because primes are the stage 2's or 1's...or basics. you didnt have to have that extra step.

again DNA...you just have to ninja me again lol
^ not all of them are just some dont really have to much of a purpose...or use. sure you could run blissey prime with meganium prime but whats the point. some of them are worth playing though. raichu prime decks, magnegatr (magnezone prime and feraligatr prime), donphan prime, donchamp (donphan prime machamp prime), machamp prime, gengar prime. im sure after the next rotation SP's will finally die for the most part and primes will rise in popularity.
Primes are just an excuse for the pokemon company to say "buy these sparkly new cards even though there is absolutly nothing special about them accept they are at least a little good really hard to get"
I love Primes. Super-rares with spectacular artwork that actually have a level of playability, and no new confusing rules? Yes please. I'm just sad we probably won't be seeing any more.
o_O you just get a card that is semi-playable and is really hard to get, give me more rares like jumpluff over primes any day
^ if its like that then lvl x is the same way. actually there less playable. you have to first get out your stage 2 and then another stage with your lvl x. it makes it so much harder to get a lvl x out.
Not necessarily. Lux X, Chomp X, Blaze X, Uxie X, Azelf X, Mesprit X, Arceus X. A stage 1. Not too hard. But Meganium + Blissey makes for a nice rogue deck, as Scizor Prime is a deck I currently run. Tyranitar isn't too bad either.
good example of this Leafeon Lv X and Lanturn prime. you can evolve into Lanturn from the bench, but you can't level up leafeon from the bench unless you use Porygon or level max. and they both have the same HP and basic type of attack. leafeon's poke-power lets you attach more energy, but using Lanturn with Gatr lets you use Lanturn's poke-power to attach even more energy. also Lanturn is stage 1, while leafeon is more like a stage 2 with stipulations but more attack options.

Primes really were a way to replace lv X, and that example is almost an exact copy to compare it to.

fire decks will run typhlosion prime, water will run gatr prime, leaf will use meganium prime (sometimes), electric will use magnezone prime, psychic will use gengar prime as well as maybe mew prime, fighting will be some sort of machamp/prime and donphan prime variant.. Prime's just have great abilities (most of the time) that are too good to pass up. there really are some terrible primes out there where as there really isn't a bad Lv X out there, but compared to the non prime versions a prime will undoubtedly be better, especially if it's within the same series.
@yoshidude gengar x, dusknoir x, salamance x, tangrowth x, leafeon x, glaceon x, hippowdon x, ...should i go on. that is just lvl x's of basics...that is cheating :p. my friend is using a sczor prime deck currently too. its pretty good but i beat it with my pluff deck (FINALLY I CAN BEAT THAT GUY). i agree with scizor primes are awesome.

^ that too. i hate that you cant level up on the bench...but with primes you can just evolve...and for that last part prime example...feraligatr HS and feraligatr prime :D
I agree that some LV.X's are hard to set-up. But Rare Candy and BTS solves that problem. Pokemon did not give us Primes to make us whine and cry because we don't have our LV.X's, but so we can celebrate over the awesome Primes we now have. Don't you think the meta would be so much different if we didn't have Mew Prime or Steelix Prime or Gengar Prime or Tyranitar Prime? Especially Scizor Prime. We'd still have our LV.X's. That wouldn't be so fun, though LV.X's are cool.
^ sure people would be happy with x's if they kept them but they had been around for what...11 sets that is ALOT primes only get 4 sets to shine :(. the idea of the lvl got old so they came up with primes and some primes shouldnt have been made because they can eather suck...alot (slowking, umbreon) or they are way to powerful when used right (gengar, mew *insert any other primes in LostGar :p*) the meta would change drastically if we didnt have the primes we have. withough mew prime LostGar would be a mediocre deck that couldnt get moving as fast as the SP decks. without gengar prime...well LostGar wouldnt exist lol
But Meganium + Blissey makes for a nice rogue deck,
You just brought memories of back in the day, running Pokemon Center with Venusaur =D
^If they made primes like EX's it wouldn't be nearly as bad. You could make it alot easeir to play around Prime.
i have noticed that. there are no cards that say if your opponents pokemon is a prime then blah blah blah. primes arnt that hard to play against. there abilities are just...dang. feraligatr is insane because of all the water pokemon that rely on energies. (you could say blastoise BS buuuut think of the attacks back then...why do i have base set on the mind so much lately lol) example...blastoise, wailord. do i even have to mention donphan...that thing is the definition of tank lol
This thread belongs in the TCG News & Discussion forum since it does not involve any established metagame decks.
