Pokemon What's your pet pokemon?

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Dramatic to the end
If you had any pokemon for a pet, what would it be and why? I would like deoxys (Duh) to be able to fly and to able to move things psychicly at my command. I could also multiply him and take over the world!!!! Hahahahahahahah!Just kidding.

D-man out!:p:cool:
I'm glad you guys would like to have a pet pokemon so much. Interesting details and all that stuff. Tell your friends!
lol all your pets are too scary/big as pets, growlithe instead of arcy, pidgeot instead of lugia, etc. I'd like Plusle, since its too darn cute and playful, cheerful. An Absol would bring me only nothing bt bad luck :(
Don't forget me!
Do I have to say?
For those people that still can't think, it's Flygon.
Because Flygon's the coolest.
(Arcanine 274, you don't mind me being a Copycat, do you?)
Oh,....I will have Latios and Latias!
I will be soaring above the clouds on latias' back while Latios will be swimming under-water....and then they will use sight-sharing....so, it will be like soaring under-water!!
How cool is that?!
I would have my dream Pokemon with me all the time.
It will be a SHADOW LUGIA. It is so so so cool!!!!
Caress a male Cyndaquil everyday.
Accompany a female Salamence everytime.
Chat with Lugia and Latios, intelligent reptile-like Pokemon.

^That is my dream.
Obviously, I would have a Salamence as my pet because I love them that much. Although, I might end up being his or her pet instead. ._. ;;
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