When do cards "go old"?


Aspiring Trainer
I played way back when Base Set 1 was created. I stopped playing sometime after Rocket and am just now getting back into the game. I am going to buy a couple booster boxes.

My question is, how/where can I find out which cards are accepted in official play? I don't want to buy a box full of cards I cannot play in official tournaments.

Right now the format for tournaments is Diamond and Pearl or newer. The format for what will be legal in tournaments after Worlds hasn't been officially announced yet.
Freakin' awesome! Thanks for the quick response! You think buying any of the Platinum series will still be good for another year or so? I just don't want to spend 80-90 bucks on a box and then in a month not be able to use any of the cards...
I think that anything Platinum or newer should be safe, but I can't make any promises. Rising Rivals does have Luxray GL LV.X though, which may be of interest to you.
Haha, oh man, too bad you said "I can't make any promises"- if you were wrong I was going to shut down the interwebz! :p I picked the game back up b/c a kid I mentor plays it avidly and he was talking about maybe even Platinum was going old and that seems a little quick considering it only came out a little over a year ago. Do they usually retire the oldest set after Worlds or the oldest set and additional?
Well after Worlds last year no cuts were made, however, one year they had cut a lot of sets after Worlds. I have no idea how many sets they plan to rotate out this year.
Hmmm ok fair enough... I am definitely getting the Unleashed and HGSS 1 booster boxes... Considering Arceus and RR but it's really hard to push that "ok" button when I don't know... Pardon my ignorance and thanks for all your answers! When's worlds?
If you have the card that your useing as an avvie...you can still use it (as it's been reprinted in DP: Stormfront)....same w/Charmander/Meleon from the same set (base).
Light Venusaur said:
If you have the card that your useing as an avvie...you can still use it (as it's been reprinted in DP: Stormfront)....same w/Charmander/Meleon from the same set (base).

Someone was trying to explain that too me, so what you're saying makes sense.
Unfortunately all my cards from Base set are long gone (I think, I'm just too lazy to search my parents attic lol). The issue is I am buying some booster boxes and don't want to get 360 cards that the officials decided to just up and say "ooops sorry, I know you just spent 100 bucks on all those but ya cant use 'em"
You can always trade for new one's (that's what I had to do about 4yrs ago (for the Ex block))....then I got a job & started buying my own cards (which 95% of my wages goes onto)....now I've got over 7+ binders full of them (& I'm still missing cards).

chrlrssll said:
Hmmm ok fair enough... I am definitely getting the Unleashed and HGSS 1 booster boxes... Considering Arceus and RR but it's really hard to push that "ok" button when I don't know... Pardon my ignorance and thanks for all your answers! When's worlds?

RR has some of the most valuable cards in it, but thats because they were hard to pull, and the rest of the set is crud. I'd steer clear if I were you.

Arceus will be in the format basically no matter what. But HGSS and Unleashed are both better sets in my opinion.
So if I get a box of RR and all the sudden they go old ppl will still want to trade/buy the cards, ya think?
Collectors will probably still buy them, but I am not sure about average players. At my league I do allow old cards; not all leagues do though.
amisheskimoninja said:
RR has some of the most valuable cards in it, but thats because they were hard to pull, and the rest of the set is crud. I'd steer clear if I were you.

Arceus will be in the format basically no matter what. But HGSS and Unleashed are both better sets in my opinion.

Sweet... That's sort of the assurance I was looking for. I considered RR b/c a couple ppl were telling me to get it and my thinking is, "There are only a few cards in it that are awesome pulls and they may retire the set after worlds" I can't justify paying 100 bucks for a RR box for just a few cards that I "may" get and that "may go old." It seems to me the HS and HSU are the safest and PA is the next best bet when buying whole booster boxes.

dragonexpert said:
Collectors will probably still buy them, but I am not sure about average players. At my league I do allow old cards; not all leagues do though.

yeah i think the leagues around here are kinda stingy lol...
p.s. your avatar is the bomb diggity

I'm going to buy 2-3 booster boxes... Which sets are the best bang for my buck?
The first two sets of HGSS are probably your best bet anyway. Some of the new trainers especially are quite good. Without a good trainer line to support it, many decks would fail. Many decks in today's format would fail without Rosanne's Research, Bebe's Search, or Cyrus's Conspiracy. While Cyrus only really applies to Galactic decks, the others are needed in virtually every deck. I've run Promo PorygonZ without Roseanne's and it is fine, but not many decks can do that. It is mainly because I built the deck for pure speed. The new Pokemon are also very useful. Their attacks are quite powerful, especially compared to the older cards.

P.S. The avatar was done by me and thanks for the compliment.
Dang, Charizard lost half a pound in 12 years lol!

Anyways, the general consensus seems to be that anything from platinum forward will be good another year, but there hasn't been an announcement and no hardcore proof.

Platinum is a good set
Rr is ehh because most of the support is for sp
Supreme Victors is ehh, but shows some potential after the rotation
Arceus is decent, seems to be a promising deck after the rotation
HG/SS has some good support, not many great pokemon
HSU has some promise after rotation and a small amount of support
If you get three boxes, get:

1. HG/SS - You're guaranteed one of each Prime, and the LEGEND halves are pretty good too.
2. HS Unleashed - I think you're guaranteed one of each Prime here too. Overall decent set, Rare Candy's always good.
3. Rising Rivals - Luxray GL Lv.X and Flygon Lv.X are two of the most valuable cards in the format. Odds are you'll get at least one of them.
nabby101 said:
If you get three boxes, get:

1. HG/SS - You're guaranteed one of each Prime, and the LEGEND halves are pretty good too.
2. HS Unleashed - I think you're guaranteed one of each Prime here too. Overall decent set, Rare Candy's always good.
3. Rising Rivals - Luxray GL Lv.X and Flygon Lv.X are two of the most valuable cards in the format. Odds are you'll get at least one of them.

On #3, thats not really correct. You're likely to get 2 Lv. X cards. 3 at max. So since there are 9 lv. X in the set, you don't have very good odds of pulling a Flygon or Luxray.
I'd wait until the set after Unleashed comes out, it'll most likely have all the Revived Legends and Lost Link cards, which will have a much bigger impact on the format than Unleashed, thus making them more valuable. If you absolutely must have the cards now, go for Unleashed, good beginning trainers like Rare Candy and decent Primes, though all the holos/rares are pretty much worthless.
amisheskimoninja said:
On #3, thats not really correct. You're likely to get 2 Lv. X cards. 3 at max. So since there are 9 lv. X in the set, you don't have very good odds of pulling a Flygon or Luxray.
I opened a box, got Lux X and Floatzel X. My cousin opened a box, he got Flygon X, Floatzel X, and Snorlax X. My friend opened a box, he got Lux X and Infernape X. Another friend opened a box, he got Mismagius X, Alakazam X, and Hippowdon X.