When will Ash is getting mature and tall????

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RE: When will Ash is getting mature and tall?

It is a bit odd but, I think Ash as well as the others will grow older and get taller if they make a movie or something a few years after the Pokemon series ends... if it does lol.
RE: When will Ash is getting mature and tall?

He's stayed the exact same height, weight, age and facial structure for the past 10 years. However, if you want to roll "Pokemon, All Grown Up" you'd make me quit pokemon.

Yes that was a rugrats reference
RE: When will Ash is getting mature and tall?

...Ash hasn't aged a single day since the beginning of his journey... why would he grow physically?
He's matured (greatly) mentally. Isn't that enough?
RE: When will Ash is getting mature and tall?

The writing certainly has almost everything to due with Ash's maturity, but I guess you could say that the way Pokemon USA is translating is also adding to it. The writers probably didn't want Ash to be as rash as he was in Kanto and Johto, so they started to mature him in Hoenn. In Sinnoh ,I guess that the writers decided to mature him even more and that's why he is the way he at the moment.
RE: When will Ash is getting mature and tall?

They cant make him bigger because the young audience are not going to like a big and mature protagonist.Almost all toons have really young protagonists.
RE: When will Ash is getting mature and tall?

Ash cannot grow old. It will require him to get a real job!!! Brock is 15 and the only reason that he is able to travel with Ash and not work is because Ash's mother prolly pays him to be a kinda babysitter for Ash as he travels the world, searching for crack and hookers.... oh and pokemon!!!
RE: When will Ash is getting mature and tall?


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