Ruling When you don't have any more cards in your deck


If you don't have any more cards in your deck (in a game) do you lose and if not what do you do ? Pls post any replies or comments

The guy above me is correct. If you are unable to draw a card at the beginning of your turn, then you lose. You do not lose the turn you draw the last card or if you play a supporter and cant draw any more; it's only a beginning of your turn thing IIRC.

If for whatever reason you take your last card during your turn, you have until the end of your turn to put at least one of your cards back into your deck. If you can't, and your opponent doesn't do something like Rocket's Admin to put your cards back into your deck, you lose when it's your turn again.
Yeh, once you draw your last card, you have until the end of your turn to try and get cards into your deck. Things like admin, copycat, oaks reasearh or anything that would force you to get a smaller hand. Even your opponent can help you if they play Admin, but why would they want to do that :p
What if, somehow, Your opponent keeps having no pokemon, u draw, draw, draw, draw, 40, 39, ...,10, 9....,1,0 untl u have none and it comes to your turn, u don't have any?
Yes, that USED to be a problem in the old format. There was a deck called 'Mulligan Mewtwo'. It was 1 Mewtwo from base set with 59 Psychic energy or something similar to that. Mewtwo just stalled using Barrier or something, silly really, but worked I have heard. The old rules were that if your opponent mulliganed, you were forced to draw 2 cards. Now they changed that for the new format and it is you 'MAY draw 1 card'. If your opponent keeps mulliganing then they are basically giving you an advantage and can stop drawing cards until you have the right cards in your hand for a good start.