Ruling Whens the next format change?


Hello, sorry if this is a bad question but I can't seem to find an answer. I've been away from the Pokemon scene for a good while now. So I've been out of the loop on what's been going on. I know were currently on the HGSS-on format, so I was just curious... how long before an update for the format happens?

Because for example if I get a deck thats based around HGSS cards and the format is being update in just 1-2 months. I don't want to put all that time and effort into a deck just to not be able to use it. So if anyone has an answer, please let me know. Kudos.
The announcement for the rotation is usually made sometime around June, and the rotation itself becomes effective on September 1st of a year...i.e. right after Worlds. The 2011 and 2009 years were odd exceptions to this (in 2011 the rotation was in July, and in 2009 there wasn't one at all.)

Currently there's been no news about what the rotation is going to be. Most likely it will be either BW-on or CoL-on, but we don't know yet.