Where can I find older booster boxes?


Aspiring Trainer
Although I enjoy opening newer booster boxes, I really want to open boxes like Aquapolis, Neo Genesis etc. The problem is that I can't find any of them online.
If anyone of you know where to get:
Aquapolis Booster Box
Expedition Booster Box
Neo Genesis Booster Box
Team Rocket Returns Booster Box
Please post a reply! :)
RE: Older Booster Boxes

Your best bet to get old school booster boxes at an affordable price is eBay. You'll want to wait for an auction or a cheap BIN; otherwise you could end up spending a fortune. I would save a search in eBay for the boxes you're looking to purchase. That way, when someone lists an item that matches your search criteria, you'll get an email and be one of the first to know. I do this when I'm actively seeking out older cards and it has helped me quite a bit.
RE: Older Booster Boxes

Oh brother... good luck dude... you have an iPod touch or iPhone? You'll need it.

I used that to win my...

Aquapolis Box (419) (vs 800 from other sellers)
Japanese Expedition Box (250) (vs 400 from other sellers)
1st Edition Neo Discovery box (440) (vs 600 from other sellers)
Skyridge (419) (vs 500 from others)

Search. Save. And keep checking for updates. Make sure to keep watch and don't bid till the last minute. Usually the first bidder is a sucker who thinks he'll win at low prices and then at the last 5 minutes bid the amount you're willing to spend. Win. The guy will either hopefully not be at his computer to check the auction or didn't expect someone to pay as much.

Expedition Box is now available on ebay for 500$... Neo Genesis I think 700$. If you find thesmgquest on youtube. Send him a message. I think he was selling boxes for 425$.