BW/BW2 Where is the Sugimori Artwork?

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Aspiring Trainer
When is the sugimori artwork going to arrive for the new pokemon? Will that only be around the american release or something? we have a few but I need to see the rest! Is there a pokedex on or whatever?
Well... Sugi-art often comes in a game-guide or is realesed at the official website... But expect some of them to be reaveled in the next number of CoroCoro... and... some art has already been leaked...
I heard that guide books were being released mid/late November, so we'll probably have them all by then.
I'm sure it's well on it's way. But yes, I cannot wait to see the artwork either. I got to admit, To see your favourite new pokemon in there 'final glory' makes me pretty exicted. But of course, it'll take sometime. But that just shows that there going to be good :)
We should be seeing the official artwork of the Pokemon soon. Some of the artwork has already been revealed, but there are still a number of Pokemon artwork that still has to be revealed. We should be seeing it in some of the game guides. Though we should probably see them before the american release of the games.
DeathSDelano -
Well this guy has come concept art in the Sugimori style(that what he says). Hes working on getting all of Gen 5 pokemon drawn. And this guy is good at it

I'm so jealous to him. I wish I'm as good as him in terms of coloring especially in shading and highlights.
Sugimori's art style is easy to emulate if you know the type of line depth and shading to use. The highights are the same as the shading, but with moderate white rather than dark grey.

Tricky part is usually the boundary between the shaded/unshaded part, where it all goes down to brush strokes.
How long did it take for the Sugimori artwork of the 4th generation Pokemon to come out after the games were released? We'll have to probably wait to see the ones for the 5th generation...
There isn't much discussional value in this thread, and we're drifting off topic. I'm sure we all want to see the Sugimori art, but speculating when it will come is a bit overdoing it *Lock*
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