Which Alola Pokemon will evolve? Which will not?


tree noises
So, I was just pondering about the new Alola Pokemon, and it got me thinking about which Pokemon will evolve, and which will not. Some seem obvious, like Wimpod and Jangmo-o, while others like Crabrawler and Oricorio - well, not so much. I previously thought that Cutiefly and Mudsdale would be single stage mon's, but then Mudbray and the Cutiefly evo was shown.

So, what do you guys think? Which Pokemon are you hoping will evolve or stay the way they are?
I agree with you on Mudsdale -- I was sure it wasn't gonna have any evolutionary relatives! In fairness Mudbray is reasonably forgettable, especially compared with its evolution, but I guess they're going for the whole Skiddo / Gogoat vibe, which I can't fault too much. Crabrawler is certainly a single-stage Pokémon, as is Oricorio, and that's chill because they don't need any evolutions. I actually don't think Wimpod will have an evolution though, as it's got a unique ability which doesn't fit well with bigger Pokémon, and those things are never restricted to the little guys. Plus, I just can't picture an evolution to Wimpod at all. Its design doesn't seem to have much to work with, if that makes any sense.

I'm still expecting Komala to get an evolution, though I'm terrified as to what it could become. As my favourite Pokémon for generations, I'm stuck between sorely wanting to see what its evolution is and praying to God that it doesn't have one. I think that if it does exist, it will be Normal/Psychic and a parallel to Bewear, just as Komala could easily be a parallel to Stufful. That's naturally just speculation, though.

Bounsweet is bound to get an evolution at some point too. It's basically Cherubi, so let's see Alolan Cherrim! :p
I hope Mimikyu and Salandit would evolve at least once.
As for what I think will evolve:
- Komala (I expect 3 stage evolution for Komala, as I kinda get the Slakoth vibe from it)
- Wimpod
- Bounsweet
- Morelull
- Jangmo-o

What I think will be a standalone Pokemon:
- Bruxish
- Togedemaru
- Comfey
- Minior
- Oricorio
- Pyukumuku
- Crabrawler
- Type: Null
- Passimian & Oranguru

The rest will have a pre-evo.
I'm getting very evolution-vibes from Minior, Salandit, Morelull, Pyukumuku, Comfey, Jangmo-o, Wimpod and Komala. They all have very cutesy pre-evolution looks, and I feel like they all could get an evolution or two. Bruxish might get an evolution too, but I don't really feel that it looks too much like a pre-evo. I also think that Turtonator and Drampa will have pre-evos, as I get a very "evolutiony vibe" from both of them. I don't think Mimikyu, Togedemaru, the Monkeys, Crabrawler or Type: Null will have any relatives :)
I was really hoping Pyukumuku and Mimikyu (say that 10 times fast!) would both get evos, but it wasn't to be, if prevailing theories are correct.

But I still have hope for Minior becoming a pure Rock or Rock/Ground Miniorite, where it sits in a crater and is maybe broken open to reveal its innards. I'm also confident Morelull and Salandit will evolve. I wonder if Passimian and Oranguru will have a shared pre-evo, or if they're more of a Sawk/Throh pair (I almost wrote Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee, but Tyrogue is exactly what I'm thinking of).

On a side note, I'm really happy more of the pokedex hasn't been leaked already. Maybe I'll actually remain unspoiled until I play the game, because discovering which of these pokemon evolve or not will be exciting as you catch them. Unfortunately Pokebeach is here for reading the hot takes once the full list is leaked, so it's doubtful I'll actually be able to refrain.
Here's my guesses:

Doesn't evolve:
Type: Null

Evolves once:

Evolves twice:

Has a pre-evolution:
Will Evolve Once: Bounsweet, Comfey, Morelull, Salandit, Wimipod, Komala, Pyukumuku
Will Evolve Twice: Jangmo-o, Cutiefly
Will Not Evolve: Type: Null, Togedemaru, Oricorio, Wishwashi, Minior
Have Pre-Evolution: Turtonator, Passimian, Oranguru, Drampa

Those are my opinions.