Discussion Which Card Do You Miss Most for the New Standard Format?


Aspiring Trainer
Saw this on a Reddit thread, and was curious about answers here...

Which card have you missed the most after rotation, don't get me wrong deck building feels fun and refreshing, but some cards I really miss!

For me it was N. I know there is and was a lot of hate for N. However I feel it truly made the game interactive and gave you hope of a silly comeback if you KO'd the right draw support while N'ing. Now if i'm behind and they take a commanding board state and prizes all at once, it feels hopeless. Judge just isn't quite cutting it!
I will miss N and Octillary. Late game Ns weren't a problem to use when I could use abysmal hand.
I miss N and Float Stone. Judge is a terrible replacemebt for N, and I hope something better comes to reduce opponents hand late in the game. I enjoyed invasion and free retreat in Ho-oh decks and ultra Necrozma decks, and now that float stone is gone I find vkthe these decks tedious.

Overall I'm thoroughly enjoying the rotation as it appears to have had a significant impact on the game, and non GX decks appear more relevant. I'm a lover of all things rogue :)
Devolution spray. It makes strategies like Raichu/Heatmor and PorygonZ possible.
Garbotoxin.. I really miss the anti abilities, but I also know how much it opens up a lot of decks now :rolleyes: