Which card do you think is the better Leaf/Glaceon?

TCC Co-Founder

Bzzz...you just got magnetized
Which Leafeon/Glaceon card do you think is better (excludeing Pokemon-Lv. X)? I say the Holo Leafeon and the Non-Holo Glaceon. The Non-Holo Glaceon can snipe and put to sleep, and the Holo Leafeon can do more damage then its non-holo version without a coin flip.
Leafeon is definitely better. Then again glaceon shuts down popular powers (like Serene Grace, Cosmic Power, Telepass).
I mean, duh, Leafeon's better.
shatteranatora said:
Leafeon is definitely better. Then again glaceon shuts down popular powers (like Serene Grace, Cosmic Power, Telepass).
I mean, duh, Leafeon's better.

That wasn't the question. Both decks actually work quite well. Leafeon would win against glaceon because of resistance.
I actually think that the holo Glaceon is the better because I am a large fan of its Snow Cloak.
Both holos. Normal leafeon is absolute crap compared to the holo one. 40 and heal 1 for 2 is horrible compared to 30 and no retreat for 1. And 50 and a chance to do 20 more for 3 compared to 60 and minus 20 for 3? No comparison. The glaceon is closer. The non-holo has more hp and a decent stall attack if you can nail the heads. Obviously the holo one has the same type of stall attack with a flip, though doing less damage. 30 and snipe 10 is meh. I don't like either glaceon really but the holo one has a better first attack and neither 2nd attack should really ever be used over avelanch (sp?) (unless facing leafeon or any agilitier).