Which deck should I go with??


Aspiring Trainer
I really don't know what deck to go for. I'm running Blazeray but I was thinking about going to give T-tar a chance but I've never gone to any tourneys or anything =/ but I am leaning towards T-tar.
If you choose a deck please list reasons I should go with X deck.
Thank you in advance...
If you've practiced with Blazeray then you should go with Blazeray. T-Tar is awfully slow, so that really lags it down. Blazeray is a lot faster, even with Spiritomb.
Even with weavile and darkrai? Weavile could keep the hand in check...and darkrai lv.x's ability is great!
^ T-tar is too slow for the meta. Blazeray is your best option. Especially if you have been playing it for a long time.
NeoGuilt said:
Even with weavile and darkrai? Weavile could keep the hand in check...and darkrai lv.x's ability is great!

granted they both are good, however....you have to figure this: Weavile needs to evolve, Darkrai needs to level up, and while you're doing that you will need to evolve and power-up T-Tar...that is what makes the deck slow...yea, Weavile can keep the hand in check, but are you gonna waste the energy or the turn(s) attaching energy to Weavile or Darkrai...since you want T-Tar to be wrecking shop

don't always count on T-Tar's body either, that isn't a given...you can easily run into a deck that doesn't use powers or use them very often (i.e.: Scizor/Cherrim)

from your choices, I say BlazeRay
Here's a quote why T-tar is not being played while SP's run around everywhere. Plus T-tar is really slow against the format.

"Hi, my name is Promo Toxicroak G, prepare to fall!"
Azul said:
Here's a quote why T-tar is not being played while SP's run around everywhere. Plus T-tar is really slow against the format.

"Hi, my name is Promo Toxicroak G, prepare to fall!"

that statement is pointless...as Promocroak G has little to do with why T-Tar isn't being played...the reason that T-Tar isn't getting play is because of how horribly slow it is

more than likely, if you're using a Promocroak to attack, you better hope to have some poketurns or Crobat G's available, as the most you can do to T-Tar is 120 in one shot (unless you have Expert Belt attached)...while more than likely, T-Tar is built somewhat, at least 3 Energy, and it's a good possibility that those energy will be special...so while you hit T-Tar for a good amount of damage, it has a greater possibility of OHKO'ing Promocroak after the KO
I was in Worlds last year and I saw about 3 T-tar decks in worlds, and no Blazeray decks. (Though I saw thousands of Luxray variants.)
BTW, I know Blaziken Lv.X FB just came out, but it's not all that much diffrent then Blaziken PL
ThePokemonProfessor said:
I was in Worlds last year and I saw about 3 T-tar decks in worlds, and no Blazeray decks. (Though I saw thousands of Luxray variants.)
BTW, I know Blaziken Lv.X FB just came out, but it's not all that much diffrent then Blaziken PL

A. Supreme Victors was released(in the US), like, 5 months ago, after Worlds. That's why you didn't see it.

B. I don't know which Blazikens you're looking at, but they're pretty different if you ask me.

In any case, Blazeray is vastly superior to Tyranitar.