Which Deck Stood out?

Ka$h Money

Aspiring Trainer
Hey I have been busy lately. This ruined my plans to attend my BR which means I didn't get to find out which deck is your new Bdif or a new deck that no one saw coming.

I haven't been on the beach recently so I haven't seen the other BR resluts. Anyhow I just want you guys to tell me your thoughts, views on the best deck this BR.

Well Gyrados, while still sort of underrated ran through with a storm of speed and power, taking lots of BRs. Flygon has put many wins under its belt, and even Kingdra to.
From what I've seen Garchomp has been big, and Garchomp C/Luxray GL has been a new emerging deck. Other than that Flytrap and Gyrados have both won enough to deserve mention.
Yeah I saw zero speedrill at my BR today (MA), in masters at least. What I DID see a lot of though was garchomp C/luxray GL.
Darkartisan said:
Surprisingly no speedril!!!!

I wonder why...
It's because Speedrill can't compete with the format anymore. Palkia is a very bad matchup overall, and my Luxape went 14-6 with it in testing, one loss being off a donk. Gyarados has a major edge if Speedrill doesn't run PlusPower, if it does then it's still about 50-50. Gengar has a slight edge if it has average luck and a solid build as well as a pitch-dark opening. FlyTrap owns it, and other Flygon variations have a slight edge due to Sand Wall and potentially a Dusknoir DP. It had a chance during Nationals when the only card that abused Claydol in the format was Luxray GL and there weren't an outrageously huge amount of Dusknoir DP and Palkia (mainly Palkia), but now it's just a Tier 2 deck.
Honestly a Speedrill not running Plus Power is a bad play.
Let's ignore the fact that Trainer lock only slows it down a bit.
Let's ignore the fact that a good Speedrill runs 3 Warps and 4 SSU (Flygon).

Yeah, Speedrill is still playable and all, just don't run into any Blaziken or you'll be wrecked.
I saw plenty of Speedrills, playing near the world champ. Saw lots of Machamp, and lots of Blaze/Luxray. Also saw at least one Garchomp at every BR. Not as many Flygon's, but did see a few. Gyrados did very well, as did Machamp and BlazeRay.
Well, in germany we already had two Battle Roads, Monarchy and Flygon/Palkia won them.
But Tyranitar is going to be really popular, the top4 results on that one Battle Road was:

1st Monarchy
2nd Tyranitar/Palkia
3rd Tyranitar/Luxray GL (Me)
4th Tyranitar/Alakazam

All three including Weavile and Dusknoir DP. My tie was 0,03% bader than the one from the Monarchy Player >.<