Which LvX Arceus are in tins?


Does anyone know off-hand which Arceus LvXs you can get in tins...

I'm pretty sure you can get the "Omniscient" Arceus LvX...

How about Meteor Blast?

How about Psychic Bolt?
Wishirulz is right.

Arceus LV.X Omnisicent has a much more beastly pose than the Meteor Blast one, and is in a yellow tin. Arceus LV.X Meteor Blast is lame-looking and in a blue tin.
Well in the area I am in, which is the same as you, I can only find the Omnisicent tins, I've been looking for the meteor blast, but I just can't

In my area, I can find the Meteor Blast tins, but not the Omnisicent tins. I ended up ordering it from the UK along with a few POP cards just a few minutes ago.