Which pokemon should have got an ex card?


Aspiring Trainer
I am personally very disappointed that there was not an alakazam ex. Especially after there were all those rumours. I think these pokemon should of had an ex too- jynx, hitmonlee, sandslash, rapidash, dewgong, donphan and some others I have forgotten right this second.
Which pokemon do you think deserved an ex?
i would have liked to have seen these as pokemon ex or pokemon star:

machamp, ninoking, nidoqueen, kingler,azumarill, pidgeot, poliwrath, saybleye, golduck, exeggutor, hypno, ursaring, tentacruel, zangoose, ludicolo, bannete, rhyhorn, slowking, kangaskhan, smeargle, hitmonlee, hipmontop,tropius, houndoom, ditto , unown, lunatone,solrock, mawile, sandslash,wobbuffet, jinx, alakazam,magneton, grumpig, arbok , weezing, togetic, cloyster, magneton, beedrill, seviper, breeloom, fearow, torkoal, yanma, exploud, pinsir, swellow, marowak, piloswine, delibird,Misdreavus, Heracross, Roselia, Victreebel,Sudowoodo, Noctowl,slowbro,lickitung, ariados, ledian , lanturn, bellosum, venomoth, butterfree , Ninjask, Shedinja, butterfree, primeape ,dewgong,rapidash , donphan, togepi, plusle , minun, omastar,nosepass, castform, tangela, Glalie, Dodrio,Corsola,Parasect, meowth, Bulbasaur, charmander, squitle, Growlithe, cyndaquil, chickorita todedile, prygon 2,  gragonair, clefairy, psyduck, and slaking.
I think Ludicolo should have gotten an Ex along with Alakazam in the last set.
Also, a Jigglypuff Ex would have been nice:)
Personally, I don't think that many Stage 1 people should get an EX card. Nidoqueen and Nidoking are two I can agree with... but GOLDUCK!? I don't know about him.... And Magneton. Magneton will evolve into Jibacoil! Will we have a Lv. X version of him?
There should definately be a Machamp Ex. My son wants a Marowak Ex, along with the Nido's. Roselia Ex could be pretty cool too.
I think that they should've made a Stantler ex. That would be kick-a**!!

dmaster out.
ger said:

I agree because were aloy of pokemon that should have made it's face as an EX. Who knows why they didn't I don't know.:)
They Should make These Pokemon Ex Cards :

Kingler EX
Machamp EX
Rapidash EX
Starmie EX
Charizard EX <ReMake :p>
I want Alakazam, Machamp, Glalie, Primate, Arbok, Swalot and Weezing etc.
There should have been another Vileplume ex so you can use bellosom d well. Ampharos should have had an ex. Don't think there was an Alakazam ex cos of that lawsuit thing with yuri gela (what an absolute.... *restrains self*) so they can't make Kadabra cards... thats why theres shinging Alakazam. Maybe he'll die or something then they can make us an Alakazam Lv.X soon.