Which set to collect?



Hi, i'm not sure if this is the correct forum, but anyway, i am 17 at the moment, was about 10-11 when pokemon was huge, and used to collect the original cards (base, jungle fossil) recently, thanks to ebay etc i finally completed these three sets, and i now consider collecting pokemon cards as a hobby again. I'm trying to decide which set to start collecting now, but have no clue about all the new sets there are, i think there's about 20 now! I have completed all of the gameboy games, up to ruby and sapphire and fire red and leaf green, so i am fairly familiar with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations of pokemon.
Any suggestions on what set to go for would be much appreciated.
Just wait 'til DP comes out, then ya get a new breed of Pokemans.

OR if you want cards that you could sell, you could try Delta Species or Dragon Frontiers.

Arcanine out.
On the main page of Pokebeach there's a section called card scans so you can check out all the different cards from the zillions of sets.

I'd just collect em' based on which had better art. =]

The only thing that might stink about collecting are EX cards. Pokemon with "EX" at the end of their name like "Flygon EX" are pretty expensive in my opinion.
If I wear you I'd go for Ex dragon frontiers you can get the best dragons and delta pokemon but D/P sounds like the best one to start up again!:D:cool:
This idea just poped up chose the one that most sounds catchy or if your a true collecter you'd get the latest but D/P is really one to look out for!:D
Wait until D/P. The cards will be legal for a while and include the new Pokémon. If you want cards now, go with Ex Dragon Frontiers. All of the cards in the set are useful, so can also sell them if you need to for a fair bit (possibly).
If you want to start collecting again, buy a booster box and 2 theme decks. If your more into collecting, get them all form the same set.